That robot just needs to be painted yellow and given googly eyes.
That robot just needs to be painted yellow and given googly eyes.
Faith, what happened to your hair!?
No, it's because Eidos promised too much.
Remember, Square-Enix aquired them around the time that every english speaking games journalist was squawking "Japanese games are DED!!" and XIII-2 was being hated all through the internets. So here is Eidos, who is suppose to be that western developer who knows the western…
No. Quite a few western developers see Japanese devs as a threat or are outright hostile to them. This guy probably sees himself as a western developer mistreated by a big bad Japanese company, and he definitely has sympathetic friends who will welcome him to what western company he goes to next.
The REAL reason that guy is complaining:
Square-Enix has found their western IP's aren't as valuable as they thought they were ('japanese games are deaaaaaaaad' hype remained hype), found that their Final Fantasy titles, despite all the shit they get on the internet are still doing great, and are shifting focus back to…
This is the kind of stuff Kotaku is famous for though, it's got headlines like a supermarket tabloid rag.
The best thing you can do is just stop going to Kotaku and check out sites that are less about sensationalism and more informative, like
you clicked on this article didn't you? Then Kotaku has succeeded
speakin' of pokemon...
he clarified he meant "kid friendly"
Porco Rosso fan eh?
Akiyuki Nosaka writes the most horrifyingly bleak stories about everyday, ordinary life.
"Kid friendly" is a diplomatic way to put it.
Dunno about that, to me the most emotional line of Pacific Rim was:
I wonder what DC superheroes would look like rendered by Capcom?
MvC is still my favorite videogame adaption of American comic book heroes!
Pokemon's past did feature dudes with swords marching to war alongside armored Pokemon, such a mod would make Skyrim worth picking up!:
Looking forward to XIII-3.
I enjoyed XIII but it did feel 'rushed'. XIII-3's combat looks like a fantastic balance of action and strategy. The tail snipping of the dragon means they've been looking at Monster Hunter, and that's always good!
Yep, just like real life back in the day of wandering mercenaries, heheh:
I'd like to thank the Geico Gecko for making this video about the PS4
Hey Toshi Nakamura, I have a question about the power armor design in the 'Short Peace' films.
Do you know when Otomo first designed those? I saw them in Farewell to Weapons, which says it was published in 1981, but when I look up Short Peace, it says it came out in 1979.
He was great in GANTZ!