
Here's the Miss Universe contestant from Greece:

The guy who did this is Robert Valley, you can check his stuff out here:

WARNING: he likes to draw boobies

Now playing

This awesome new Wonderwoman short was done by Robert Valley!

He's known for having a really ultra-cool urban and sexy style, I first heard of him from the short Massive Swerve:

Something about this makes me think "Evil Lightning!"

The concept behind the B/W starters was each represents a country

Grass type: America, he is a snake like the "don't tread on me" flag
Water type: Japan, he turns into a Samurai
Fire type: China, he turns into 3 Kingdoms hero Zhang Fei

Actually, Games Workshop was possibly the first to do 'green ape' style orcs:

Warhammer (1983)

We're talking about MECHA MOVIES

"Dungeonpunk" is the word

disgusting, disrespectful.

Warhammer's Mortal Enemy?

Evangelion since 2008


Plus it's not Japanese, so usual rants about "WEIRD JAPAN" "OMG TROPES" from haters don't apply.

I did give it thought, that's why I said Skyrim and not say, Dragon's Dogma which is an excellent example of a modern game with very tight controls, because the priority of that game (and Zelda) was to deliver a great 3rd person combat experience.

The Morrowind series on the other hand, is infamous for animation and

If you want to get the Chinese gaming experience, just sit in front of a PC while surrounded by 12 smokers.

Chinese mainly play games on PC and mobile because those are the legal channels. PC Cafes are popular.

It'll be like Hollywood.

Journey on the PS3 was designed by a Chinese dude

The KOEI office is probably throwing a party at the change to officially sell Dynasty Warriors to 1 billion Chinese people.

A legendary game that's still fun to play.
Even modern hit games like Skyrim control pretty clunky compared to Ocarina of Time.

You could say this Zelda title has... withstood the test of time.

If his trash talk reaches a five star threat rate, the police come and shoot him.