His Stigness

Uh, well, Mr. Financial “Advisor,” it’s doing well as the remaining balance on the car note sits in a savings account (or any other investment vehicle of your choosing) GAINING interest.

Ah yes, he’s clearly not racist, he just said some incredibly shitty things and is now backpedaling so damn hard he’s burning rubber.

I found so much cool stuff in the manuals of all of my cars, even my 2000 C Class.


JD’s “research” consisting of asking owners if they could figure out how to enter an address into their infotainment system, or things of that nature. That’s why vehicle’s with more complex systems (as noted in the piece) are rated lower.

Re the stickers and stuff:

Your last point is the real problem. For us Californians DMV would automatically suspend our registration if there was a lapse in coverage as it’s all done electronically.

It depends on your carrier. For me, with Mercury, and my five vehicles and two drivers just a change in a few hundred miles for the policy period adds up.

If consumers, real consumers prefer any particular configuration it’s going to be AWD because that’s what salesman have told them they “need.”

I think another reason not to sell the 2020 e-Golf is to not waste the $7,500 tax credit on them. They probably want to save every unit for the more expensive MEB and move more of those.

Jalopnik may not be perfect, but I keep coming back for golden shit like this. 

Oh yeah, negative equity. Duh.

You know, now I’m curious, will most banks even finance a car when it’s sold way over MSRP? My question even applies to manufacturer financing. It makes no sense to finance a car that is not worth as much as it’s being paid for as the car is the asset in case you default.

Except that Amazon actually makes money, but it chooses to take those profits and reinvest in its business to grow even more. And clearly that worked.

Apparently the linked article included this nugget:

Hertz sells vehicles that were used exclusively for Uber/Lyft. Hertz/Lyft had or have a deal where a driver can lease from Hertz. The cars are beat to utter shit. 

LOL! CARB? Understaffed? What rock have you been living under?

But once the researchers let CARB and EPA know, they still couldn’t figure it out. They knew there was obviously something going on, but they never actually figured it out. CARB told VW they weren’t going to certify their entire line for, I think 2015, which is when VW finally copped to what they did. 

Except the actual EXECUTIVE ORDER states the range as 282 by CARBs testing and certification schedule.

Nope, not at all, but I just wanted to point out how wildly “certification” testing can vary based on who is doing the test.