His Stigness

I’m a big ass baby and would just flat out refuse to work on shit like that. But that’s also why I just do diagnostics and give the actual repair to someone else because fuck that shit.

Hand oils are not natural oils. You want to strip away everything that has built up on the surface and then condition the leather (that’s why it’s called leather conditioner).

Trust me, it’s the oils. When steering wheels are cleaned properly you can’t tell where people place their hands. 

At the steering wheel is still there. 

My job, unfortunately, involves me getting in and out of people’s car all day long. I wish I could easily don a full body glove because some of the stains on people’s seats are the stuff of nightmares.

The car must smell interesting when it’s hot...

I didn’t say anything about the wear. Wear is wear. You can’t “un-wear” a surface.

I’ve heard rust is quite a bitch to clean.

You can generally tell how dirty and gross a steering wheel is by how shiny it is. Most steering wheels come looking matte from the factory. They’re supposed to be “leather” after all. But over time all your gross sweat and oils just seep into the material, causing it to be shiny.

Please learn to read.

Holy fuck so they adjusted for differences between males and females, yet this whole “article” is about how tests are built around averages.

If they offer to let me drive a car anyways and they have a car I want I will take it. But I don’t want to waste their time on purpose.

Re test drive offers:

BMW started that before. I guess if you’re going to copy BMW you might as well go all the way.

Do I write what on the invoice? 

Wow. I honestly feel bad for you. Did no one ever teach you how to fuel a car? When the pump click off YOU STOP FUELING.

Jesus people are still peddling the bullshit about it being hard to find a gas station with diesel? I didn’t understand this in 2012 when I got my Golf TDI, and I especially don’t understand it now.

As a professional tech with many years of experience working at both dealers, chain shops, and independent shops I can confidently say all of the bullet points won’t save you.

The e-Golf is also programmed to put the parking brake on if you open the door, so I would imagine the ID3 will be the same. 

Too bad his Jeep didn’t have a parking brake.