The medical examiner rattled off a list of preexisting medical issues Floyd had as justification for it not being 100% Chauvin’s fault for his death.
The medical examiner rattled off a list of preexisting medical issues Floyd had as justification for it not being 100% Chauvin’s fault for his death.
Absolutely, but you are still more likely to be a piece of shit if you are a Republican.
FWIW, you can still be a piece of shit and be a Democrat.
The ‘poll’ is laughable. Does it ask whether Bernie would be better in a pandemic than Trump. How about Hillary? Would she be better. Or are they just you know voting the party line? Why not just ask whether the Dems or Republicans are better at shit like this. So far the two popular standouts - Cuomo and Newsom - are…
I keep telling people back home they got to get a bidet like we have here in Asia but they keep not listening to the best advice they’ve ever gotten...
Hey! Wait, my gramma needs that ventilator first!
The “substance” of the entire Bernie campaign is that old white man writing checks he damn well knows his ass can’t cash.
Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid or you just like playing stupid? The country is FUCKED. The broadcast media, print media, social media do NOT have a specific Dem, Independent, or Republican lane they stick in. The goddamned fucking Republicans are bragging about their influence enough so that Donna Brazile…
2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024
I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.
Shut the fuck up and just vote for whomever wins the Dem primary.
Funny Hillary should go away because she lost but ol Bernie and his collection of douchebags should be allowed to berate and infiltrate a party he lacks the balls to join. Hillary & Bill worked and continue to work to raise money down ballot for other Dems. All you Bernie Bros get back to me when he lifts one of his…
Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the…
The money really isn’t there for bar or club gigs at this point - unless you want to do an acoustic duo and you’d still be lucky to make over $100 a night. In Chicago area anyways, may be better in FL or on the coasts.
The only saving grace is that we (Americans, at least) are moving toward a work-from-home culture. If you have a typical office job you don’t really need to be in your seat and observed by a supervisor. You just need to provide measurable results. I’m guessing that children born recently will look back on us and…
You’re not wrong, but, you know, the alternative is unthinkable.
If his death signals the end of an era, bring it on.
What this says to me is he’s broke and can’t get a job. He’s tainted and nobody will touch him he’s desperate for cash, this is desperate cash grab if I ever saw one.
Can someone please take this shitstain out already? He has continually proven himself to be an evil, violent fuck. Since our justice system failed, I'll be ok with some vigilante justice or him just fucking with the wrong person.