
This. Thank you. I'm done being picky. I'll listen, learn, and vote in the Primary but I'm all in for even my least favorite in November if he's nominated.

Excellent. I love that she was celebrated (which she deserves) and when Kavanaugh made his first public speech, the amazing people at We Demand Justice looped her testimony on a giant screen outside where everyone attending had to see it, had women dressed as handmaiden’s where people had to walk past them to enter,

The wife adores Dark Shadows and said it was her go to ‘rush home and plop down in the afternoon to watch as a kid’ (and considers my preference for Scooby Doo and Bugs Bunny to be childish and any elucidation to it being the same as some sort of insult).

hey I never said I don’t love shitty bars

Shitty bar?! No way! I have fantasized about moving to Maine and opening a bar called the Blue Whale that only plays 60s-style garage music. I also own the entire series on DVD (in a coffin shaped box!) so I may be a little obsessed.

I was one of those “kids” who ran from home from school to catch the latest episode at 3:30pm on Channel 7 in Chicago. This show holds a special place in the hearts of Boomers everywhere - I actually own the entire series on DVD in a coffin-shaped box, and also have a replica of Barnabas’s wolf head cane. Just wait

Thank you for this. I may have to watch this. I was a child during the original run and I was forbidden (FORBIDDEN) from watching it because it was A. trash and B. fodder for nightmares. So I used to get completely incoherent updates every day from my friends Elaine Tardiff and Mary Stefanski. And they would interrupt

My childhood bestie used to insist on eating dinner with her family while wearing Barnabas Collins fake fangs.

Melania looks miserable too.

When his next one thousand tweets come out bragging about his role in this raid, just remember (and retweet) this:

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The Texas version of Dolores Umbridge. 

Thats rape...not “sex”

Even if you’re right about every detail here, I don’t see that it moves the needle. Mayer’s article shows that Tweeden’s accusation was highly misleading and a baldfaced political hit job orchestrated by GOP gorilla Roger Stone. And that Schumer denied Franken the hearing — the due process — he asked for.

This piece is written as if the writer blew the lid off Mayer’s story, but it comes down to a series of picayune rhetorical arguments over things like whether news outlets “passed” on the story. The Globe did pass on the story. It was brought to them, they did what they could to report it out, and, when they lost the

He was given a deadline to resign by Chuck Schumer and not allowed due process. That’s not the same as quitting.

He is correct in everything that he’s saying, but it is not deflection. I’m sad that this is supposed to make him look bad. 

What will Jezebel do if he winds up being our nominee? Will the Biden smear campaign help us or hurt us beat that shitstain in the White House? He is not my ideal candidate either but ffs, Republicans don’t do this to each other, and that is why they win.