
Facebook has it problems (mostly, from my POV, the CI/CD done by Facebook interns and the endless ads) but there is a reason it is so popular: it’s a very useful system, whatever the whiners say. I’m a code monkey and a performing artist, with long professional careers in both, and in my opinion Facebook is an

Oh, how I miss they days when Millennials were being blamed for not being able to buy property because they eat so much avocado toast.

I have trouble understanding why anyone, anywhere, cares anything about what this guy says or does. But that’s just me...

Does anyone realize that we’ve just shot down Klaatu and Gort?

One can be as Luddite as one wishes, but electric EVERYTHING is the future, combustion of fossil fuels is the past, and thank goodness for that. I understand the love of cooking with gas; I prefer it to difficult-to-control and inefficient electric resistive heating, but induction is fine. The real impediment to

Three billy goats just called, their bridge is missing a troll.

Well, as they say, accusations from a narcissist are confessions.

If it hasn’t been said before (and even if it has) I say sure, give her the same privacy she afforded David Hogg after the Parkland shootings. It’s only fair.

It’s always inspiring to be told by people who make several million dollars per year that we don’t need money to have fun.

Good. I still find myself crying when I read about Elijah McClain’s torture and murder. I have a very dear family member who is also on the autism spectrum, a really sweet human being, very intelligent and gentle, and a very talented musician and computer scientist. So I identify, even if indirectly, with Elijah’s

I agree that makes sense. But I do remember Al Gore being quite visible and in the news during his Vice Presidency, so there’s that.

I am indeed interested, thanks. What concerns me, though, is that this information isn’t more in the news. Reporters seem to be like pack animals, and right now they’re chasing Biden and barking about inflation, so no time for much else.

I like Kamala Harris a lot. I’m not concerned as much about bad press (of which I’ve seen very little) so much as NO press: I was hoping that she might develop into a serious contender for the Presidency, especially considering Joe Biden’s age, but she seems to have become invisible. I’m not sure how much of that is

As a code monkey who has studied robotics, and sometimes teaches robotics to kids (I’m a big fan of LEGO’s products in this area), I think these machines are fantastic. New technology is inevitable, it can’t be banned for long, and the best way to make it as safe and useful as possible is to understand it, work with

I can’t get into such a lather about the political or moral aspects of GM making a fancy, expensive vehicle; in a similar vein, Cadillac has traditionally been beyond the means of a lot of us, but has also been the platform for GM to try out new stuff. If there’s a market for electric Hummers they’ll sell, and will

It’s about time. Elijah McClain’s story has made me cry several times; a very dear member of my family is high-performing autistic - brilliant, sensitive, and different - and I can’t help but imagine him under similar circumstances. I can only imagine Elijah’s confusion, pain, helplessness, and terror, and I hope that

I’m a musician. I remember how much I used to (and still do, when no one else is listening) like playing when high on reefer. I also remember a night, long ago, when I was REALLY high and recorded a set I thought was probably the best I had played in months. Nope. It was actually sort of embarrassing to hear the

I’m hoping that Apple goes (back) to 17". I loved my 17" MacBook Pro, the last of its kind.

It’s not “Congress”, it’s REPUBLICANS, REPUBLICANS, and especially REPUBLICANS who are responsible for the crap “compromises” in the latest relief bill.

I’ll be interested as soon as they offer a decent amount of RAM. 16GB max is just silly. I realize that developers aren’t Apple’s main market, but 16 GB isn’t really enough to do serious work.