
I wonder if this is NGE music on purpose...

Cheating on single player: do the heck you want. Cheating on multiplayer: just no. It's like doping in sports. You make yourself better in a competition with other people.

If I remember correctly there were rules for some sports that tatoos needed to be covered up. Though after all that sweating the make up didn’t last very long anyhow. I think it even was during London’s Olympic Games.

Actually don’t try to think to hard about this. Violent games are brought up every time when there is a shooting that fits the single, grumpy and depressed teenager schmeme. At first I thought, ugh they really try to make this a thing again, but so far the discussion was fair and more focused on the question how he

That’s typography in general. It’s not that game fonts have their own rules.

Ok that’s 0,80 - 4,28€ currently. Most machines I saw were around 1 - 2€ a draw. So it’s expensive no matter where you are...

Does anyone know how much a draw costs in Japan? I always feel like it’s way to much if I come around one here...

The void strikes again...

September 30. Final Fantasy XV.

I have no experience with automatic cars so pardon my question, but what about hand brakes? Do automatic don’t have one? Or is this the equvalent of the park position?

I’d say import from Europe cause it’s around 15-30€ here, but yay for region lock...

I admit there were some few parts I liked a bit more than the movie version. Vegeta yelling my Bulma or Gotenks’ longer scene with Berus for example. But the fighting? Not really. To much chatting in between, like always, that made the fight too fragmented. And the animation had some real lows during the Berus arc.

Have a look at press day gamescom... But of course it’s changing as there are more and more people interested in gaming and so are working in the industry.

Ah I think I got bombared with trailers of that on Crunchyroll some time ago. Looked interesting though.

Can someone tell me from where I know the opening song...? I just can’t remember.

I rather feel like he got some character development. Beeing arms crossed grumpy all the time also gets boring. And I like his intercation with Trunks, that was basically non existent in DBZ.

Actually just skip the movie remake episodes but watch the fillers. Then watch everything from 28 onwards.

Just wanted to tell people that start watching with the current episode to watch the last 3 as well. It’s a small filler story but it’s funny and I like that Vegeta is finally acting like a parent.

Land of beer and bread aka Germany.

I went with a group of WoW players except one that was only exposed to WC3 and we all liked it. Maybe it's because we're European...? No really are European reviews more positive? So far I see no real difference, every review I read was kinda meh rating.