
Yeah temperature seems a big issue. I keep everything in its original cases too. So far only some burned CDs that I kept in a folder like you described went bad. And that was the day CD-Rs died as storage medium for me and I went HDD backup only. Also DVDs are too small for HD stuff and blurays too expensive.

Had to look up Einhänder as it never released in Europe. Looks like a fun game. I like shmups though I’m really bad at them...

I'm afraid of the day my first discs will dissolve themselves...

Really? Are there more exceptions? So far every game worked for me.

Well most of my friends have/had Vitas or PSPs for jrpgs. I think I got my PSP in first place for Tales of Eternia (didn’t release in Europe for PSX) and Breath of Fire 3. I’m one of these people that buy consoles even when they want to play just one specific game. I knew sooner or later Final Fantasy stuff would

Also actually you can play your original PS games on a PS3. Many are not aware of that. Though I bought FF games digitally because of convenience and Vita/PSP support.

I’d love a Kings Quest 7 remake. Especially with more animation frames. I also played the Space Quest one that was animated a bit like KQ7. Somehow those point n click with “cartoon” style sticked the most with me. Also Monkey Island 3.

Objective view doesn't beat childhood memories. Full Throttle was one of the first point n click games I played and I probably spent more time with it than I should've had.

Best deal Playstation TV for 15€. And a SSD and some blurays on Cyber Monday.

In my language (German) it’s still used sometimes. Generally we use being online for anything related. But if you want to emphasize that someone is moving through the web like jumping from website to website, then you might use surf.

I’m not wondering anymore. Everything they want to they will use as propaganda. Although I read about returners stating they were also watching TV shows like normal people do over there...

I’m looking for some time for a solution to stream a single player game (like point n click) to my buddy so he can comment live without delay together with me. Any suggestions? Skype works for some things but doesn't stream game sound.

On the European stream Shibata said a few words in the beginning and then basically did the whole thing himself except a segment of indy and download games.

And console players have it already since Saturday. Here at least, official release date is Wednesday. PC gamers are always bound to the release although games sometimes get sold days prior.

Playstation ads are hit or miss. Anyone remember creepy PS3 baby... Overall I like the EU ads a bit more than the U.S. ones. They aren’t as straight forward. (Disclaimer I’m European). And in general I learn to know many good songs in PS trailers.

As a child I was sometimes scared of my PC. It was during the golden age of Win 95 and for the first time our family PC was set up in my room. During the day everything was fine but the monitor sometimes made a knack sound during the night. Scared the hell out of me.

Ah the one game everyone had imported because it is forbidden in Germany because violence. I didn't because I wasn't aware of the game at the time and battled in 4 player Mario Kart or Donkey Kong instead. Today every mobile screen is bigger than my quarter of the screen then!

So everyone just keeps on being butthurt. Man I hope maybe the next generation of politicians can get this settled.

I mean it’s not like most of Europe is still angry at Germany. When they are its because of other things now... Btw I’m German. So when Germany, France and England can behave and be nice to each other why can’t Japan, China and Korea?

Every time I see this my head goes: Europe got over post WW2 and so can Asia. I just don’t get why there are still these tensions and they don't seem to get any better over the years.