
Entweder hast du auf dem falschen Post geantwortet oder ich kann dir grad nicht folgen... Ich hab nie gehört das sich ein Journalist beschwert hat, dass Klinsmann ihm nur auf Englisch antwortet.

You mean the Discovery and History channels? Well this time there was some good stuff airing on German public TV. Aired on Phoenix, but I'm sure it run originally on ZDF...

As German, sports is the only time you can show nationalism without getting the evil eye from other nations. And football is mostly the only time I do.

Fine, then give us back your German coach...

The thing is that Klinsmann's former assistant Löw took his job to coach the German team, after he left for USA (after World Cup 2006 in Germany). So it's a bit like student trying to beat his master thing. And so far I didn't read anything really bad about Klinsmann concerning the interviews you mentioned.

I don't know anywhere near as much about WWII than I do for WWII. So I'm really looking forward this. Also because of its 100th anniversary I recently watched (better: channels aired) some documentaries about WWI. It was such a pointless war, just for war's sake...

Oh my god, I wasn't aware the German version was used for other versions as well. I never understood the policy on anime intros back then. Either they kept the original music and just translated (freely) lyrics or they made a new song and that was 90% some kind of euro dance. Did you only have this opening? The German

Krillin got balls... hehe...

I feel like every western fantasy class has to, except maybe mages.

Exactly what I thought about all those "Link is a girl?" saying people. Anime (or Japanese taste and liking) elf types look 90% androgyn.

Northern and southern accents are very different in German. So you basically took it to the extreme :D Though Berlin is a cultural melting pot and no one should be afraid of dialects. It'd be much stranger to hit traditional Munich with a Berlin accent...

Northern and southern accents are very different in German. So you basically took it to the extreme :D Though Berlin

And sounds a bit like Chrono Trigger, somehow.

Man, if you try to add English words in Tomodachi on a different language it just... don't... work... You can add the correct pronunciation to names, but nothing else.

I'm really looking forward how the US will do. They have a German coach after all. But of course they'll still lose against Germany, hehe...

Ok I totally overlooked the feathers. They don't even make sense, they aren't black.

I think the guy who changed it wanted more contrast. Bayonetta stands out more against the yellow background. That seems to explain the red 2 as well.

Also Asians. Though I think they don't care which way they show victory on every photo.

I know I won't be heard, but please online multiplayer!

Download only would be a bummer. I only buy download when there is no physical one.