I like you can pop him out with just one press.
I like you can pop him out with just one press.
Do you know if you can plug in physical Vita games or just play downloadable ones? I can't tell by the pictures if there is a slot.
Remember when they used to say, for more information refer teletext number/page 123?
I think Steelseries Sensei are similar in design, if you want something simpler. If it weren't for Logitech I would use them, but I like the side buttons more there. And you just don't break a years old habit :D
I don't know if anyone here cares, but German channels ARD and ZDF will have the games also on their respective live stream. I'm sure they are geoblocked somehow, but they are free with good quality and without any need so sign up anywhere.
Just stick with the G400 aka old MX518. As longs as Logitech keeps using this formfactor I'm sold.
QR code on TV, really? As of I get out my phone, get next to the TV and scan it?
I know things will likely not change, but I hope at last some people will think it over. To see how desperate these students act, cause one failed test can ruin their career. The system really needs to be changed. I don't know if that's an Asia thing? If I recall correctly in Japan you also have this one test counts…
Hmm maybe should spend just a little more time with it. I felt like they cramped much into the first levels so most of the game mechanics are used in the beginning at least once.
It's totally underrated. The only thing I can complain is the short playtime. But every minute was worth spending time. You can't say that for many games today.
I think I clocked between 50-60hrs for 2 playthroughs, but I tried to do every sidequest and hunt a bit for achievements. So I'm sure you can do it way faster for just the main story and if I remember correctly you can start a second playthrough with bonuses like keep equipment or multiplier on experience points. I…
During the third episode, Aramaki makes the Major take a written standardized test. All goes well until she decides to cheat by asking the internet for help on a question about the kanji (Chinese characters) for the word “riot police.” Of course, the internet being full of trolls, they all try to convince her that…
Well sorta. The Saiyan stuff started after a time skip (and renaming the Anime Dragon Ball Z) when adult Goku brings his kid Gohan (named after grandpa) along to visit his friends for the first time. Then his brother Radditz comes along, crashes the party and tells Goku he was sent to earth to destroy it and what's…
Continuing, Hashimoto added, "Instead, we are preparing for an event after E3 to make new announcements." He added that he was personally very much looking forward to when they can release new info about the game and thanked everyone for waiting. At this point, that's something Final Fantasy are quite good at.
You mean the ambassador games? But Super metroid and Link to the Past weren't on the list. Only GBA and NES games. They are available for WiiU though.
Well the bigger problem is no credit card billing on international orders in an US shop? How did that happen?
Ok than that's also an English naming invention...
Well we got the Manga way before the Anime (and at that time not many watched fansubs) so most started to call him Ruffy with an English pronunciation. It's just what you are used to. I also thing that Luffy sounds weaker to the young boys target audience.