Like the console Okami is very much like console Zelda, the DS version is similar to DS Zelda. But all in a good way! The graphics are especially good for a DS game. I recommend to pick it up when you have the chance to.
Like the console Okami is very much like console Zelda, the DS version is similar to DS Zelda. But all in a good way! The graphics are especially good for a DS game. I recommend to pick it up when you have the chance to.
Many people forget this. A JRPG you can actually coop and has a story! (Sorry Monster Hunter)
Because I actually finished this game several times (my friends woe for every game I manage to beat, bad habbit of starting to many games) and I still didn't get tired of it. It's fun, the music is great and the battle system so far is unique. At least I didn't play another game with same mechanics. I'm sorry I have…
I don't get many of those publishing choices either. US gets a game, EU gets a download only, AU no one seems to care about, JP has EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's hard to be a fan. I'm willing to shell out money but I'm feeling to get forced to pirate stuff because it doesn't get released for me...
Ok I'll give you a point there.
Germany is only censoring Hakenkreuze in games, movies can have them, cause it's cheap to swap them out in a game but too expensive for movies. And if things get too gory, mostly zombie stuff.
As German, I don't get it either. South Park is uncensored on TV. But we have that funny "but it's a game = interactive!" argument that makes everything worse than if it was just a movie.
I only knew the GameBoy version I had on one of those 500 in 1 cardridges (Try to find a genue game in the 90's of Thailand). Best thing was the level clear jingle.
Also if you link our Nintendo ID to your 3DS eShop you pretty much can't escape your region anymore. That's fine for me, Nintendo shows some love for Europe, recently.
I miss this one. Hope Sony will pull the numbering thing through!
Sony always had the edgier ads in Europe. Some are cool, some are just meh...
JP/EU got Mega Drive, US got Genesis.
Yes you also have to buy the game, but just once.
You pay only a monthly fee for WoW (+ addons now and then). It's not like you have to pay for using and then pay hourly for WoW.
You pay a club fee... And still have to pay hourly rates?
I can totally recommend the Wind Waker HD. I played it on GameCube when it released, but HD is so much more shiny...
also if you read their how to, it really aims at capable designers. Because who else can hand in a .psd file from their legally bought Photoshop... It would look a bit different if they just used templates and let people draw on them, not matter if digitally with a program of their choice or just with pencils.
Noticed that, too.
No one beats premium girl Rei...