You see the EVA, but not it's face like that! As far as I remember Unit 01 is the only one ever shown without its head amor.
Naked Kaworu's EVA has to imply something, why else show the face...? Give me news to Evangelion 4.0 finally, dammit!
How many US ads are there without any disclaimer? It the first thing I notice, like don't try this at home or stunts performed by professionals, etc. or even batteries not included! In Germany we only have teeeeeny disclaimers in ads for service plans like telephone, internet or cable providers.
As far as I recall the problem is with hit zones. Imagine 2D sheets in a 3D environment. You could easily coming from the front but easily miss from the side. This seems the big problem with the game. It's difficult to navigate and hit the enemies. But maybe the best is you rent it and try for yourself :)
2D characters and monsters in a 3D world sadly look like 2D cardboards. I was looking forward to the game, until I saw it in motion. Shame though, the cutscenes look nice.
I pointed out the concert in some comments a bit ago, but now finally no one has an excuse not to watch it! And I finally have to get the game done. There was a thesis comming through, that had to be finished...
Noooooo, it's Link doing furry play... can't remember much of the story but I really liked it and even started a second playthrough. But I stopped at that stupid psychic get the handle in the middle of the bar boss thingy, that I needed for ever to clear the first time. The only thing I couldn't get over with was the…
I loved the manga, the game was a big letdown... but it was one of the earlier PS2 games I recall, so maybe that's a bit of excuse...
Somehow I feel like Japanese people are the only ones that can pull this off without hurting anybody. Maybe because they usually are so polite and in order? Just look at them standing in lines.
Gonna save the world with fashion! Or destroy it in style.
I only own cheap figures from game collectors editions. Though Milla from Tales of Xillia looks pretty decent. I hope to get some Revoltech, Figuarts or Nendroids in future. Their prices seem ok and although an "action figure" and no statue they look pretty good in quality to me.
I so love Fujishima's art style (hello Tales of) but hell Oh my Goddess figures/status are always so expensive...
Hmm ok I can't speak for recent episodes as I'm not up to date with One Piece. So far I thought it's ok for a long runner. Maybe I gonna check some recent episodes. But Oda's women always look kinda manly, with breasts...
You can't compare endless running series like One Piece, Bleach or Naruto with half or full seasons of 12-24 episodes. Long running shows have to be careful not to catch up with the manga or else you get (most the time stupid) filler. Shows with a fixed episode count can be planed better in terms of pace and to sink…
Not one, but two :D though my only imports are for Wii. USK doesn't like zombie rail gun shooter...
I know what's the next game that won't get released in Germany!
Actually the Famicom disk system was a hit in Japan. I think because of its success Nintendo tried to make addons for the consoles that followed like Satelaview and CD drive for SNES and the N64 disc drive.