
Is there just one disc per pacTheym problem with blind packs is just the price. And I often feel ripped of when I compare prices with Asian markets. Only exception are sticker packs. Anybody knows the Panini sticker albums? I think they are about 50 cents and 1€ for about 5 stickers. But during vacations in Thailand

Well maybe I'm so sad about something like this cause I'm half German and Thai. I lived 25 of my currently 26 years in Germany and I probably have a different relationship with this part of history. As kid I was kind of scared of swasiskas, for me it was something bad and forbidden. And I know the prejudges people

I meant research on the subject. I doubt you can google Nazi and not find something about what they did. Of course you can still be stubborn and ignore such infos.

Yeah actually now I'm wondering how you can do a research, that you obviously need for a theme cafe, without recognizing that this theme is a bad idea. At least the Nazi part. A world war 2 army inspired theme would be sufficient enough. Just get rid of the Nazi stuff.

Well most. My only imported games, cause index in Germany, are the rail gun shooters for the Wii. Yeah uncut Wii games...

Germany officially doesn't have the worst classification rating system anymore!

Just let me throw this in: in Germany anything that has a Hakenkreuz on/in it is still illegal. That's why games with Nazis are ok, but forbidden when a swastika appears anywhere. Heck we even had discussion because there were left wing anti Nazi buttons with a Hakenkreuz crossed out and they where still confiscated.

I don't think it's funny to call the cops for a prank in America. I feel like it can go horribly wrong, easier than in other parts of the world... Speaking of shoot first, then ask questions.

Oh I like to put my stuff on shelves, gives the feeling of accomplishment. Digital can't do that. And my language version is pretty good I think, so gotta support them :)

Of course they want to keep a series running as long as it keeps attracting viewers but Naruto feels like they are stretching to infinity.... But I wonder what series is going to fill up the place once Bleach (and Naruto, One Piece) are finished. Anything to recommend yet?

I just wonder every time where the new stronger enemy is coming from. Naruto is a good example for that. Every current enemy is the strongest ninja of them all. Until the next story arc starts and surprise a new über ninja appears.

But it's a similar case. Sometimes you need to take a break to come up with something new and get inspired. Especially shounen manga could need that. Dragonball, Bleach, Naruto and many others keep to stick with the introducing a stronger enemy, again, formular.

I don't get it why series that air on Hulu or chrunchyroll get all their material ripped of YouTube. I get it from an American standpoint, why steal and copy when it can be watched legal for free here. But there are many other countries that don't have access to such services. I can't even find the proper opening for

I can't imagine how these people hold up to push out monthly or weekly chapters for one series over years. It's no surprise now and then people will get sick. Wasn't Bleach on break too? I'd be just fair to give them opportunities to skip number X of chapters a year to recover a bit. Real fans won't mind that, I

We definitely need more detective and attorney games :D

Still can't get over the fact that the mind behind Evangelion is doing voice work for a non apocalyptically movie :D

With Fireflies you already watched the most sad movie. Others include drama of course as well, but generally they are more on the lighter side of life.

"I like taking a risk, but not with my emails"

For me the main reason for this kind of discussions is that animation doesn't imply it's dedicated for children. Like other commenters pointed out, Shin Chan is not intended for kids. But American television also seems to have this issue. Talk about americanized anime series. Just cut everything the way it's suitable

Talk about moms forcing their girls into pageant contests....