
There’s actually no evidence that MSG causes any side effects. Seriously, the roots of MSG histaria are mostly in anti-Asian racism. Even if it did cause side effects there are a massive number of foods that naturally contain MSG that you’d have to avoid, including all cheese (except fresh cheese like cottage),

I once had a migraine so bad I was hospitalized with it. Fourteen days I spent in hospital, and they wanted to keep me longer too, because it got so bad I started seeing sounds as colors and losing the ability to distinguish speech. They actually thought it could be a brain tumor, at one point. I was lucky, it

This is how you know someone is butthurt.

White people are evil.

So can Jez get some LGBTQIA writers that aren’t white and male?

The thing about Courtney Love is that she is an incredibly intelligent, intimidatingly multi-talented polymath...

8. The “White people are so terrible. I hate us.” guy”

The “reads a list like this and doesn’t realize which one applies to him” guy.

Will Riker; bringing sexy back to the USS Enterprise-D.

Yeah, these three basically check off all the Bernie Bro boxes, already got one frothing all over himself in the grays.

#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy

#8.5: The “if you’re not talking directly to me and giving me specifically individualized instructions on not being a piece of shit, then you’re being counterproductive and I’m just going to keep being a racist (but I always was going to just keep being a racist anyway)“ guy.

6. Bernie Sanders

Don’t forget the “Devil’s Advocate” white guy (figures the devil’s advocate would be a white guy). Or are he and Debates guy one and the same?

Ugh, I don’t know why I have to be that person, but if the fight was over saplings, leaves or grass clippings, it would be a flora (or floral) fracas. If it was over dog poop, squirrels, or angry raccoons, then it would be a fauna (or faunal) fracas. My personal suspicion is that this was a straight up anthro-fracas,

CNN will be calling you a Tomato Terrorist and flashing up your worst TBT Inst pics before the day is out

You’d actually be in the wrong if you had an opportunity to flip the bird or throw a tomato at anything related to Darth Cheeto, and you decided against it.

This is going to come as a shocker...Jan might be a certain type...

In first to say I SAID WHAT THE FUCK I SAID.