
Yeah, I have no real opinion about his music. It’s pretty blah.

Ya know, W later described his Katrina response, and Kanye’s call out as ‘one of the lowest points of his Presidency’.

I say we make this a law. “Molest a child, catch these hands”. Seems fair and reasonable to me.

I saw an article on BuzzFeed with reactions from the people who were there, and many were like “what a bummer, why did Oliver have to change the subject/make everyone uncomfortable/forget he was there to discuss the film?” or “this is not the time or the place to put Hoffmann in that situation!” Those are probably the

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Next year when this starts fucking people over does Trump lose some of his base? Optimistic me wants to say yes, but optimistic me hasn’t been right about a lot.

I’m not talking about just any kind of men here. I’m talking about the kind of men who will go out of their way to swear up and down they’d NEVER date a plus-sized woman, the type who over-explain and crack jokes about big girls and act like dating them is the grossest thing ever.

I think that the underlying problem with these people is that they are so privileged they don’t understand that life isn’t supposed to turn out well for everyone. They assume that if not for evil modern interceding forces such as Big Pharma or Big Ag, everyone would live forever and have beautiful skin and no birth

Unfortunately “received a diagnosis they didn’t like and jumped the denial train into woo-town” is not an uncommon thing even among medical doctors. I looked up Hashimoto’s disease and it looks like the pill-popping life she was so afraid of amounts to one pill a day for the rest of her life. Diabetics roll their

Proud fiancee of a big girl. She does indeed have the sauce. Changed my whole life, made me a better man, AND I can crush a 10 piece from Popeye’s with her? Shit man, I have to spend the rest of my life with her. I’d be dumb not to.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

Now playing

Yeah but when they mention they have a Black friend they leave out the subtext part.

Comparing the responses on the Root vs the Takeout on the coffee shop today have been enlightening.

“Not wear make-up that would be deemed ‘harrasing to male colleagues’”

I haven’t been to white Thanksgiving, but I bet it SSUUUCCCKKKSS.

Interesting overlap from the Italian-American side of things; all of your parents cousins are “Aunt” or “Uncle,” as are the strange folk who are vaguely related in some undefinable way, who show up once a year.

It’s like a war on paragraphs. At least break the screed up. I wish people would understand that indignance is not a substitute for clarity.

^TBH that’s kinda my struggle now. I’ve been sexually assaulted and two of my friends said “I don’t want to pick sides”. Kinda sucks cuz-2 on your close friend count.  

Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!

Seriously? You’re not sure if you are “allowed” to flirt with women at the office party, so you cancel the party entirely? Why not have the party anyway, and just don’t flirt? You know, treat it like a work event where you can mingle and be social but still be professional and treat your colleagues respectfully? Save