
This is all I have to say to you.

Did...... did you read the entire article or nah? I mean I guess the answer is obvious but I just felt the need to ask.

No Hillary supporter but the same method that secured Barack the nomination secured Hillary the nomination. Please yes let’s keep arguing about this shit with vital elections next week in NJ and VA. All this shit to sell a fuckin book. Jesus wake up people. Oh can Donna explain to Bernie and his Bros why he did so

Uh. Wait. Yeah. Did this affect vote tallies at all. The media was busy nattering about Hillary’s e-mails or slobbering over Trump. Bernie had massive crowds of adoring white millenials. People who wanted to vote voted. And Hillary was just able to get high-turnout Democratic primary groups (*cough*blackwomen*cough*)

The fact that we should take Brazile’s characterization with a geode’s worth of salt aside, what really gets the folks over there so amped up about this is that it’s yet another reminder that the institution of “The Democratic Party” has not ever been and likely won’t ever be nearly as far out on the left as

Didn’t Magic Grandpa sign one of those agreements too and then decide he didn’t want to put any money into it? He kept all his money to himself.

I can’t be bothered by any of this. All of this could be true (several people are calling this revisionist history) and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. Bernie was weak and flawed too. Bernie had a black people and a race problem. He still does by the way. Clinton at least attempted to show a change. Bernie expected

Now playing

And has there ever been a finer evocation of passion than the tango/paso doble/dance of sheer insanity shared between Morticia and Gomez?

I love these movies. But at the end of the day, I love the original show even more. If you have the chance, just sit there and marathon it. It is so good. The Addams are the most wonderful, loving, supportive family, the show is full of brilliant one-liners, and (as great as Anjelica Huston is) no one will ever be a

My favorite part of the finale is realizing that Pugsley had been electrocuted in one of those electric chairs in the first movie: the Addamses aren’t in any danger. They’re just playing along and being polite when Fester’s wife ties them up and threatens them and waves a gun around. The reason “Debbie wasn’t an

My father has always said that the relationship between Gomez and Morticia is the truest romance ever put on screen. I thought it was a joke at first, but he was completely serious, and completely correct. To the point that I realized, many years into adulthood, that the occasional words my mother said in French

Whenever I’m at some manner of Halloween costume event, I assume that anyone who isn’t dressed in an obvious costume is going as a homicidal maniac.

I concur with all of this. The Addams Family movies are brilliant.

To paraphrase the comedian Doug Stanhope: If you lose your job or your admission to college to someone who just moved here and for whom English is a second language, maybe you’re not the master race. Maybe you are just stupid, lazy, and looking for an excuse.

why do so many of these guys look like piles of putrid neck fat?

He just changed the subject. He was a con artist, so he was always very good at making other people seem “unreasonable” if they objected to his crazy shit.

The amount of times I’ve seen a writer on this site explain: “When we say white people, we don’t mean all of them” is ridiculous.
White people will never accept that. White people will just keep pointing and saying: “LOOK AT WHAT HE SAYS ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE”, because it’s easier for white people to disregard things

Well, Douglass is being recognised more and more, I notice! 

Or an Amazon Key delivery person... I am truly afraid what scared white people will do to them when they forgot they drunk-ordered that pumpkin spice rosé and dude walks in to deliver.

Funny how all the violent racist domestic terrorists are always Trump supporters, still. Every single time. Always. Every one of them.