
I watched his standup special on Netflix and he seems to enjoy “pushing buttons” which is a bullshit term use by some comedians to explain why no one laughed. They’re never not funny, it’s that they’re too edgy and you’re too PC.

But wait, are we supposed to celebrate that the bodies of trans women are now being openly objectified and sexualized the same way cis-gender female bodies have been? Like, is this a “good thing?” I mean, I guess?

This is why I don’t watch “roasts.” Everyone pretends to be joking around and having fun, when they’re really just letting out pent-up anger and using it as an excuse for “politically incorrect” jokes that demean others. And everyone watching knows. It makes awards ceremonies seem authentic by comparison

Weinstein is creepy as hell in that recording, you can tell he’s done this many times before and knows exactly how to bully and manipulate his victims.

Too many exes have tried to tell me how to feel about shitty situations. One guy told me mid-fight “Are you gonna cry after this? You’re a strong, independent woman. This shouldn’t make you cry.” Fuuuuck you.

I’d wager 100% of that 95% are Deadspin commenters.

GF opened with “back to Africa”. That’s some #PeakCaucasity right there.

Seriously though, is there anything that white people won’t blame on Jews?

See also: you’re upset.

I’m surprised she didn’t take the opportunity to rail against “popery” while she was at it...

“Calm down” sends me right over the edge. My husband used to say that to me - in the beginning, until I turned the tables on him. Every time he lost his temper or even got mildly annoyed I’d tell him to “quit being hysterical,” and ask him if it was “his time of the month.”

Fun fact: My mom raised both my sister and myself to answer “Don’t make a scene” by making the biggest scene you have ever seen.

I briefly dated a guy who said shit like this—about being discreet, talking later, not making scenes, how he appreciated my calm and reasonable behavior unlike his scene-making ex, etc., all that shit. When I found out he cheated on me, I showed him what a scene actually was. While emotional, it wasn’t illogical. It

Stassa - this was a brilliant piece. Thank you.

“Calm down” is another phrase men use to tell women that their emotions or countering viewpoints are well actually, wrong. “Calm down” is not a phrase that men regularly say to other men.

If it’s done right, it sure as hell can be a powerful tool. I’ve actually made myself a promise to actually play this. I want to know if the outrage comes from a source of understanding or from a source of ignorance. Countless studies show that children catch on to ideas far quicker if something is interactive. If

I’m from the Midwest so it still seems weird to me that people are brave enough to even throw hot soup at a racist fucktwat, much less kick his ass. Here, that would end with lots of assault charges and a smug “victim” sitting in court laughing at how he got what he wanted.

Tyler Chancellor, who was employed at 9Round, a kickboxing gym in Chattanooga, Tenn.,

I am a monotheist and I prefer my religion be based at home, or in congregation among my fellow monotheists, and only occasionally in passing conversation with my neighbors when we inquire about one another’s theological activities. I absolutely do not want religion of any kind in my government. They’ll get it all