
if they shut the fuck up and open their ears when they move there and don’t insist that the people in that neighborhood change everything to cater to themselves, then they’re not going to be gentrifiers.

For years, I didn’t have to say anything to my father...because my mother had that shit under control. Dad was NOT allowed to spout racist shit under her roof and around her kids. If he wanted her - and us along with her - to stick around, he had to behave.

In the immediate years after she died, he did manage to keep

But he knows at least two Corinthians.

Alright guys, let’s all come together and realize this important fact: no one cares about dick size. Seems like men fetish dick size more than women, and it’s weird. Just stop it.

If she’s upset at the flack she’s getting, then why in the HELL would you make it public knowledge that you voted for the shyt-head, boorish, SOB as POTUS? Most Christians use the term “Christian” like it a “Get-out-of-Jail” free card to excuse their piss-poor decisions.

I’m not sure why chicks think saying “You’re upsetting me!” is going to make a douchebag stop. That hasn’t made a dickhead stop in the history in the universe, it gives them *power*. Since you’re at work you can’t claw his eyes out but just say something in a very droll tone like “OMG can you please stop talking” or

Oh Pennsyltucky... I’m not surprised. I can’t even begin to describe the bizarre conversations I’ve had with people from PA that seem to believe we’re living in 1955.

SoCal edition:

Let me tell you guys how big of a moron this dude is. Cops and prosecutors are basically unsue-able. I’m not hating, this is an unbiased fact. The law is designed in such a way that as long as they claim that they were doing their jobs, it’s almost impossible to successfully sue for malicious prosecution or false

Michelle Obama, First of Her Name...

This makes so much sense, though. The way to stop religious communities from enforcing rules on how women dress is to have governments pass laws enforcing how women dress.

The only way to protect western democracy is to destroy everything it stands for. /s

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf.

Historically Gross Dude Does Another Gross Thing

Some people look at those shoes and think “beautiful, fun!” I look at those shoes and think “compound leg fracture.” Such tiny little thin heels.

The article, which is more of an opinion piece than research, does not indicate that the use is harmful, just that they want more studies on whether widespread effects are different from small footprint trials.

This is a magazine largely for women who are so privileged that they have to invent problems in their heads, for which Goop conveniently provides both the inspiration and cure.

‘part of women’s “primal instinct to nourish,”’


Absolutely nothing new about that. The This American Life segment about vocal fry pointed out that they’d had dozens of angry emails complaining about the women presenting segments on the show for using “vocal fry,” when Ira Glass is literally one of the worst offenders of vocal fry out there.