
This article reeks of your advertising department exercising unconscionable control over editorial. Auto-play video is a cancer to the internet and ANY step to stamp it out is a welcome one. I don’t give a shit about any other opinion, particularly not bought and paid for FUD like this.

And before them came Wendy Carlos, Delia Derbyshire, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Sofia Gubaidulina, and cofounder of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Daphne Oram, just to name a few off the top of my head.

The problem with food desert’s isn’t access to processed food.

The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.

Actually, people can cheat because they have emotional issues that have absolutely nothing to do with their partner. My SO’s ex-friend is like this. His soon to be ex-wife could have been the sexiest saint on earth and he still would have cheated on her no matter what she did. The problem is him.

Erm, why are we assuming that LW1's cheating husband will be any help with the baby just because they will still be married and living together? I have seen non-cheaters totally ignore all parental responsibility while sleeping in the same bed as their strung out wife. Get a lawyer and get out fast! Dude might move

LW 1: GET OUT. Do not listen to this advice here and get out now. It’s not going to get better.

The amount of time that affair continued, along with the lengths he went to to cover it up tell me one thing: He won’t stop. He sounds messed up. You sort of have to be to carry something on like that for so long. My husband carried on a affair for a long time and eventually came clean to me. He also has some

LW3: whatever it is you may be getting out of this arrangement, it’s not a real, healthy relationship if you have to walk on eggshells with her the whole damn time. Set yourself free and find someone who loves you and doesn’t act like a caged animal.

I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents. I just don’t know what is right, or at least, what other people would do in a situation like this.

What say everyone leave Richard Simmons alone?

Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?

Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?

I was bored and on Instagram live the other day and started watching the feed of this radio show I’ve been listening to for years. A few mins later the guy from the show I crush on DMs me. We talked for a few days and I assumed he was divorced because I saw no sign of a wife in his pics. So I finally think to be on

I would not watch that if you paid me. Wacky fish out of water premises are always bad and this one is one step away from the judge assigns her to be a butler.

None of this sounds very interesting. Ren Faires and brides.

I’m battling my insurance company right now because they won’t cover my two MISCARRIAGES in the last six months. I’m like, well, I did kind of do y’all a favor by not giving birth, so pick up the fucking tab why don’t ya.

So, basically, she’s getting the same treatment as a lot of recent purity-obsessed Progressive targets on the Left?

As a liberal, this looks no different to me than if an employee had circulated a memo postulating that black people were intellectually inferior and cited the “The Bell Curve”.

Incoming tidal wave of MRA pseudo-scientists in 3... 2... 1.