
I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

I love you anyway.

I can’t help but think banning someone for having painted a single controversial work is a bit much.

They’re the Tab of liberal media. Their overall persona and style is freshman year undergrad “insight.” They’re that kid in the coffeehouse that says, “It’s STUPID that we have so much war, we gotta STOP.”

The racist comments on this story are weird. Like...abuse of women and children is something that men of all races and religions seem pretty enthusiastic about. So claiming his Muslim name or the fact that Jezebel didn’t show his picture (when of course, every link they provide takes you right to his face) is some

“ooh, a psycho brown person. a chance for me to fly my racist scumbag flag!”

To be honest outside the lab setting it’s still probably one of the lowest sources of germs if you’re at a party.

Eh. Seems pretty low down on the list of things for me to worry about.

Preach! I think people are making a bigger deal than it should be. Children are not stupid. I swear people be mad at Angie for being Angie. Ill wait to see how good the film is before I get pissed off about how they casted it.

But surely the kids are aware that it’s a game and they are not having money taken away for real...almost seems like an insult to their intelligence to suggest they wouldn’t get it. Just a thought.

This is the greatest thing I read today.

It SAYS in the KORAN to USE the INFIDELS handles and POLES against them in JIHAD, or possibly FALAFEL, which is a SNACK, and therefore ALEX JONES is the TEHINI of the PITA CHIP BOWEL CLEANSE.

Humanity has done lots of things for thousands of years that don’t “work.” People don’t fast because it actually clears their body of “toxins,” people fast because it makes you high. Same as meditation.

It’s funny (in a sad and terrible sort of way) how you can always predict what the comments are going to be on articles like this. I mean the comments on the original article, not here. Whenever a new article comes out about weight loss/dieting, the comment section is inevitably a parade of dudes bitching about how

I’d just like to point people towards my chubby, triathalonaholic sister who can break the bundle of sticks that is my body over her well-insulated, muscular thigh.

Oh no I’m not saying it’s bad to be fat but it’s just so UNHEALTHY and I’m worried about your HEALTH.

The skinnier you are, the healthier you are, D’oHHHH everyone knows that.

I’ve been saying this for a while—I believe “wellness” is code for something far more nefarious: disordered eating.

The couple seem like the sort of people who:

...and in Pale Fire he even ripped off John Shade’s poem!
Con artist.