
Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

I hope he is okay. He seems so sweet and gentle.

Agreed. The man has lived his life trying to put goodness and positivity into the world, he deserves a peaceful retirement. Especially if he’s suffering from dementia, it would be nice if he could maintain his dignity as long as possible.

This is one of those stories I don't think needs to be gossiped about. He needs peace and quiet and he should have it.

Don’t paint with a broad brush...I’m an old white kinda rich hillbilly from Tennessee and Martin Daniel can kiss my ass.

I’m just shocked he called him Cassius instead of “Toby”.

Actual draft dodgers, though, have his approval:

I don’t believe it. An old, rich hillbilly from Tennessee has issues with anyone not of the same race/religion/social class/etc?!? Shocking!

Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.

Cassius is a good, pagan, Roman name, godsdammit.

There isn’t one single athlete in the history of the world as revered as this man was.

That fight is so goddamn unfair it’s not even funny. Completely one-sided, an all-out slaughter from start to finish. I mean, how was Superman supposed to measure up? This issue must’ve been Jimmy Olsen’s wet dream.

There are so very few athletes who are completely synonymous with their sport. Babe Ruth and Baseball. Michael Jordan and Basketball. Skip Bayless and Being Wrong as Fuck About Sport.

If you haven’t seen When We Were Kings, you should use this as an excuse to watch it.

Muhammad Ali was the best athlete of the 20th (or any other) century.

Yoko is like a comfort blanket at this point. If she’s not in tweet beat my whole day gets thrown off.

I need to see what Yoko is talking and thinking about daily, addiction?

I don’t think he is going to follow Kim’s lead on this one.