
Or play at 62% effort level, since they make 62% of what their male counterparts do.

That’s exactly what youre doing.

I’ve never understand how “severe impact” is calculated or applied. Isn’t 6 years in prison a “severe impact” on... anyone? It’s not like this guy is supporting anyone financially or has kids.


Poor guy. But Legal Aide Society lawyers are underpaid and under-staffed—-I don’t think suing them is the answer.

Isn’t it amazing how we have free will and if the podcast isn’t playing the exact content we want at the moment we have the power to turn it off and do something else. Amazing isn’t it? On the other hand, maybe some of my fellow penis bearers could shut the fuck up and listen and maybe learn some shit they aren’t

I can see the basis for complaint. Women didn’t even exist until the 1960s, so it’s really a disservice to cover them at all. It is a history podcast, after all, and history was written by us white men.

Just to remind you of Hollywood’s opinion on actress age and character age:

I can’t say I like the choice, she’s a fantastic actor but she’s way too young to play a character that’s a senior officer in the Air Force. I think an actress in their late 30s to mid 40s would fit better for the part. I’d heard Katheryn Winnick from Vikings bandied about and I think she fits the role perfectly with

Whenever any article about someone includes the words “in an interview with Taki’s Magazine,” you can just stop listening there because what’s coming up next is going to be racist filth. The “magazine” is just a thinly veiled Stormfront wannabe.

I love Britney.

“playing telephone with herself in the privacy of her own consciousness”

Yeah. I will take “fake-deep” over cynical bitchiness any day of the week. Leave Britney alone!

Not that my personal opinion matters to you, but I normally really like your writing Jia and this just felt needlessly mean. Who the fuck cares if Britney isn’t some well-read English major who spent her college years reading Yeats or Joyce.

I don’t quite understand the point of this. It seems smug. Are we supposed to be making fun of Britney Spears for not being an intellectual? That’s what it seems like, and it seems mean. She is trying to make sense of her life and broaden her horizons.

Way harsh, Jia.

My goodness Jezebel, I have been reading you in support for many years but fuck—its a bit exhausting to hear a loud and cynical cackle that is a headline like this. Can we not acknowledge that people are involved with their own evolution in a way that should be accepted and received in at the very least, applause by

Between this and the math post I am so happy for her. A love of learning is always rewarding, no matter what else comes your way.

I agree with you—good Sanders supporters are the real victims here, not the woman who is being relentlessly harassed by bad Sanders supporters.

Here’s my conspiracy theory: She was tweeting about Junior playing baseball because she is in league with Junior. Together, they dare head out to a baseball diamond to plot the most diabolical thing ever: