
I’m having a lot of trouble wrapping my mind around Jezebel decrying feminism that focuses on rich white women.

Susan Sarandon gets paid a shit-ton of money. Ergo, she should just sit down, shut up, and accept that she gets paid significantly less than fellow male actors, so as to not offend the poors.

Why not? They are the ones who have the least to lose. Or do you suggest that women working minimum wage jobs should be the ones who put their source of income at risk for speaking up?

“The vicious response has come as millions of new voters, many of whom felt excluded by establishment politicians, have flocked to the insurgent campaigns of Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump.”

I seriously wish I had a GIF for every time Scully did not give one single fuck or was having NONE of that shit. I just feel like Scully understands me.

STOP! You can’t write the rules down! They must be vague, arbitrary, and specific to every different situation, location, and denomination so that when a girl or woman inevitably puts a foot wrong, the people in charge can say “It’s not our fault you didn’t know your outfit would outrage the old folks/distract the

Unpopular opinion: she handled the fall with good humor and, despite the average-ness of that song, did her best to perform the hell out of it. No, she can’t dance too well, but neither can a zillion other pop stars who do it anyways, and at least she’s having fun up there. Shrug, come at me!

Man you must have been a bitch in high school!

Please write me when you have an answer for this so that I can post appropriately.

Don’t we like her? I kind of feel bad watching her fall. If it were somebody I don’t like I’d be laughing my ass off, but her, I felt bad.

Apparently, we oscillate back and forth. After Prince’s death, we are back to being cold to the Kardashians (as it should be), but “we” had been trying to paint Kimmy as a feminist, body poz icon before that (lolz). For Meghan Trainor, we were on her team with Photoshopping but now her dancing sucks, so she’s awful

Wow, way to be pro-Jezebel, where women are supported unless it’s a moment that makes you guffaw.

*wince* I don’t really know who she is, but that was painful to watch. Poor woman.

Wait... do we hate her? I’m losing track of who we think is bey and who we think is non-fleek.

FFS Jen Kirkman explicitly said it wasn’t Louis CK, and called out Jezebel for continuing to push this unfounded rumor. AND another comedian admitted that his behavior is probably the origin of the rumor.

So Jon Stewart laughed off this ridiculous, utterly bullshit rumor like the joke that it is?

I thought the CK rumors were debunked quite some time ago.

These “stories” about Louis Ck; they’re rumors cobbled together into muddy accusations. Jen Kirkman hates you for continuously reporting on this non story.

Uh. Since there’s no victim to shame or disbelieve here and Kirkman never confirmed it was actually him, do we have to involve his friends and their opinions just yet? Isn’t the continued speculation creating an assumed attitude of guilt toward him? If I’m a feminist who cares that women aren’t harassed and hear a