
I’m going to take this opportunity to say:

Buddy comedy with Masi Oka from Heroes — remake of Hitch. I am there!

I hadn’t really seen anything he was in until Selfie. And now my desire for him burns bright and eternal.

I have such a huge crush on John Cho. The Spectre poster with him is perfect. If we can't have Idris as our next 007, I nominate John Cho.

Now playing

Let’s not forget in addition to being handsome, he’s also hilarious!

click bait

Yeah, it threw me that his silence is portrayed as a bad thing - professional discretion surely is a good thing in any industry, nevermind one where you are working with ill people who need to know they can trust you with things they don’t want broadcasting?

but you wouldn’t know that from asking him—as he hasn’t said a word to reporters since the incident occurred.

Sigh...Dick Tracey effectively had a smart watch decades previously...others on this list predate the Simpsons as well.

“This is totally racist! How would they like it if there was a movie called Dear Black People?!?! If I made that movie there’d be a lynch mob on my ass.”
- Every other comment I’ve read about Dear White People

I recently heard an interview with Julia Sweeney, and she said she was completely mystified that people still come up to her ask whether Pat was a man or a woman. She said the entire point was that it never mattered, the joke wasn’t on Pat, it was on the characters who lost their minds they came into contact with Pat.

As a white male I agree that we have been wholly under represented in the past. Why I hear they’re even letting women vote these days. After they get the housework done of course but still. We talk about the downfall of our once great nation all the time at my club during after dinner brandy and cigars. Why can’t you

Given that by merely existing as woman is tantamount to playing the Woman Card, an invalid and taboo political strategy (as opposed to playing the Man Offended By The Woman Card Card, Trump’s current strategy), the only potential candidate who is not so ostentatiously female as Hillary Clinton is SNL’s Pat.

Some day when you’re bored, go read the “30 Bananas a Day” discussion board, on which people who have pursued a profoundly inadvisable diet pose questions like “why are my fingernails falling out” and “why won’t this sore heal.”

“Too female?”

“she also has a history of bullying non-vegans”

i think Clinton should really just have Sam Bee’s team photoshop her and plaster it everywhere. FOOL PROOF WIN STRATEGY!

internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug

Every time a vegan posts a YouTube video, a Trump supporter registers to vote.