
I wonder if the Bernie bros that used to come to comment in an article like this one are gone or they converted to the Trump idiot trolls that are now commenting in this article.

I got one too.

Recently had one of my crazy “Bernie is a saint and Hillary is the devil” friends say that “Hillary isn’t a real woman and we should find a real woman we can elect.” I was so enraged I couldn’t even respond.

I got one, gonna carry it with me and pull it out during meetings.

I was just making a joke.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we like, erase ourselves from the internet?
OMG Thom you’re such a creative genius

According to one of PewDiePie’s troll-response videos, he says that YT changed the way they pay their content creators—so instead of likes and subscribers, it’s more based on how many minutes a video was watched total. So all these haters coming to watch the Ghostbusters trailer are just giving them more money. :P

This movie KILLED his grandfather! How dare anyone defend it!!

Four guesses as to why.

Let’s pretend the new crop of F1 drivers are 20, because the math will be easier. 17 years ago when they started in karts, it was unheard of for a little girl to be out there. It’s still rare now! It’s going to take 10 or 15 years at least before there are enough girls actually making it through the ranks to get

“Liberal lunatics”? Nice non-sequitur there. Also, I like turtles.

You don’t have to have a sock on your dick to see which way the wind blows

I can’t say that I thought hilarious was a great word choice.

She reminds me of Ace.

I’ll blame the Bernie Bros if she is forced to pick a white man. She clearly wanted to pick Castro since the Clintons have been hanging out with him since last summer. If she picks a white man again as a Mexican I will be very very pissed at the Bernie Bros.

This is an excellent question. I’ve gathered a panel of experts on the female body to see if they can find out what exactly is going on with... all that:

Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?

I would like some coverage on Helen Clark’s bid for Secretary General of the UN. All the American election stuff is making my brain hurt.