
I’ve lost a LOT of respect for Bernie over this election season for exactly the reasons you state. Reminds me of Hillary in 2008 when she wouldn’t give up even into June, while it was abundantly clear that she wouldn’t be the nominee. BTW, I supported Obama in 2008 and 2012. and I support Hillary in 2016.

Honestly, Jezebel and Gawker are blatantly pro-Sanders in their coverage.

Yeah, here they are calling him a loser when all he did was get more than 25% fewer votes.

The margin is like 300K right now. And lets not pretend that all those voters were going to go for Bernie. That’s asking a lot of flexible math.

Sad that you aren’t equally vocal about the Sanders supporters who say African-Americans only vote for Hillary because they’re uninformed.

But she’s talking about the quality of America’s democracy, not the specifics of any particular candidate’s plan.

We’re putting ourselves on the line for what a lot of people across America—and I think across the planet, really—want to be able to see happen in America

What? There were over 12,000 people arrested at the May Day protests in DC in 1971.

Delusions of grandeur? Romanticizing protest? Will they all go out for a latte after to discuss?

I don’t ... what are they trying to do? Who are they protesting?

Give me a fucking break. This ain’t a Freedom March. “putting ourselves on the line,” please.

As an atheist who is very much against all the laws that exist based on religious belief...I feel like the Church of Satan does satirical protest right, and these guys are just annoying (and not a little misogynist.... “heaven has a stripper factory”? ughhhhhh)


I think if you’re going to lead with something as vulgar as “Rudyard Kipling was a racist fuck and Jungle Book is imperialist garbage” you have to balance it out with a more intellectually robust analysis. You might have a sound point but without a substantial argument, it just comes across like empty trolling.

Yeah, that’s basically her “get out of jail free card” if she gets backed into a corner with her argument. “Despite everything I said, the book needs to be put into context.” It’s a lazy trick used in debating. It’s her responsibility to provide that context and make the case why her argument still stands, not that of

But that doesn’t explain why she called it “garbage.”

The man and his opinions changed drastically over his life, especially after Jack was killed in WWI. Same story as Mark Twain. As the men got older and saw more examples of how things can go wrong, they distanced themselves further and further from imperialist policy.

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”