
My chihuahua loves our cats, too. Sadly, the feeling is not mutual.

Muslims are already thoroughly othered in America. It would probably benefit us if a headscarf became a popular fashion thing. We’d have something to chat with people about as an icebreaker!

I’m definitely in favor of it. I don’t think it’s quite the same as cultural appropriation, since it’s a religious practice and not strictly a cultural one. Most of the sisters I’ve talked to feel the same way. After all, if you think it’s a good thing, you’d want everyone to try it!

*waves back, wind blows scarf into face, struggles to free self, falls over*

Some of my sisters are SUPER stylin’. (Me? Not so much.) :D

“West Bank Side Story”?

That’s DEFINITELY a thing. A lot of my Muslim sisters started wearing the scarf when Islamophobia started to get worse, as a reaction to the anti-Muslim sentiment. Many Muslim women don’t think the hijab is religiously required, but we all feel pretty strongly about solidarity.

It does tend to draw attention to me. Sometimes I get a little nervous (especially if there’s been a shooting recently), but generally I get a positive reaction. My professors tend to remember me - I’m the only Muslim in my department.

Men have modesty restrictions too, but they’re not as fully covered. (Minimum is to cover navel to knees.) However, I’ve noticed most of my Muslim brothers are usually dressed quite modestly. Most of us try to follow the spirit of the law, rather than the letter.

I guess I don’t particularly agree, but I certainly see your point.

Well hi there. I’m a Muslim woman who decided to wear the headscarf. I don’t find it harmful - in fact, it makes me happier. My headscarf does two things:

If we refuse to mate with them, they should die out.

Undergraduate degree, really? I'm doing my undergrad right now, and I know fellow students who can't figure out how to staple paper.

Have we ever seen Bill Maher and a blobfish on stage at the same time? WAKE UP, SHEEPLE.

Funny how often douchbags happen to know exactly what is and isn't required by law. And by "funny" I mean "infuriating." And by "law" I mean "what we can technically get away with, although we are breaking the laws of ethics, decency and probably a few Commandments."

My university just sent out letters to SENIORS begging for donations. I'm like, dude, I haven't even graduated yet.

That's a thing with women too, right?

Last night my husband and I were arguing about an article, and he smiles and says, "Well, I know from long experience I should listen to you, because you always end up being right." I just about cried. It was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

I call that "Cassandra Syndrome," named after Cassandra who was all like, "The Trojans are coming!" and the men were all like, "Uh-huh. Sure babe. Whatever you- AAAGGGHH, A TROJAN IS STABBING MY FACE!"

And here I was all like, "How come Jezebel never issues retractions? Do they just not know?"