
Yeah, because those young Muslim men! With their, I dunno, praying and some crap. And all the time they spend trimming their beards and volunteering in homeless shelters!

Classic catch-22. Only Muslims are terrorists. All terrorists are Muslims. DRIVES ME NUTS.

I wish I could like your comment ten million times.

Am I the only person here who thought Drive was dumb?

Sentiment KILLS. -_-

I can think of several ways this could turn out awesome. First, if absolutely, completely, totally no one showed up, and he had to deliver his lecture to an empty room plus, briefly, a janitor emptying the garbage cans. (And if the Take Back the Night walk was super slammed.)

Is "Dr." "Theodore" "Everett" real?

Baby Doctors? Like The Muppet Babies. Real Muppets, but not REAL Muppets.

I'm also enough of a snob to divide the various Doctors into "New Doctors" and "Real Doctors." Obviously, Tom Baker IS Doctor Who. -_-

Am I the only one who prefers Christopher Eccleston? :(

"Two sides to every story," eh? Funny how often that ends up meaning "I've picked a side already LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

My exact words to my husband, yesterday: "Cupcakes are just little cakes. Who wants LESS cake? FUCK CUPCAKES."

If there's no Brave ring then I don't care.

My dog wants to be friends with the cats so badly. The cats want nothing to do with him. He's also afraid of other dogs, and cat-sized. They could be so perfect together, if they would just let him into their hearts.

I was annoyed at how little respect she gets. At the end of the film she rips the spine out of an alien attacker WITH HER BARE HANDS. Girl doesn't even get a superpower, she's just that good. And no one notices.

OMG ME TOO!! We should start a club. *grabs teddy bear and footie pajamas* Let's have a sleepover and watch IT Crowd.

What is "lotus" about a musty bowl of baby leftovers?

Well that's handy. I'm not even an Angel yet and I can already retire.

Why yes it is, little lady. Yes it is. *dashing fencing foil salute*

And here was me going around hating him for some crap in Lady Chatterley about how "real" (i.e. not lesbian) women only need vaginal orgasms. Was that some kind of unreliable narrator thing? Or should I keep hating him?