
I've spent the majority of my working life, for whatever karmic reason, at businesses that were almost entirely women owned and/or operated. (A herbal gift shop, several family-owned greenhouses, and now a fabric and craft store.) It's actually been really interesting, working in places where men are the minority. But

Sober high five, yo.

I call it "One of Us" bonding. As in, "Oh my God, those fatty fattingtons, AMIRITE? They are not like us. We are attractive and worthy." It is always a bad idea.

We need to get Michel Gondry to do a romantically sexy movie version. And maybe some PR people.

Oh, Greg. Apparently being completely adorable is genetic.

Anxiety sucks balls. Like, there are some mental illnesses that have a sort of romantic cache, you know? Like, you can be a tortured artist with depression and still be cool. But people don't cut you a lot of slack for anxiety disorders. Mostly they just get annoyed. Story of my life.

Well thank goodness all hunting, military, and survival skills are exclusively related to how much you can bench press.

GUYS. This is obviously true, because no one who goes to a women's college has ever gotten heterosexually married. Everyone knows that.

I meant Ariel the book. I don't know how to italicize here, so it wasn't clear.

You made me lol. Now I need to have children, so I can send one to preschool babbling about shoes not doing.

It pains me to say this (particularly because I secretly refer to Ted Hughes as "the Ariel Murderer") but this is no The Iron Giant. I'm not terribly surprised it never got reprinted.

I only buy nail polish with ridiculously aggressive names. "Gunmetal" is my current favorite.

On the BBC talking head, comedy quiz shows (QI, Would I Lie To You, etc) there is almost always one woman. And only one.

This is where my theory about The Common Sense Gene comes in. My theory is that, for some brain-related reason, some people just don't have a very strongly developed sense of judgement. The people who keep making the same terrible life choices, and it doesn't seem to be related to abuse, or mental illness, or

I'm super curious, too. Apparently Tatsuya Ishida is very retiring, though, so I've resigned myself to never knowing.

Effin' love Sinfest, man. People have been huffing about the new, feminist slant, but those people can legitimately shut themselves down. 'Nique 4 Eva.

There's this tendency to grab on to one poorly chosen word or phrase in the article and get all outrage-pants about it, rather than discuss the central theme of the piece. In this thread alone, I've been informed that calling larger-than-average mannequins "real" is "incendiary," "dehumanizing," and "exclusionary."

We should form a club. "The Really Not Gonna Stand For Misusing 'Real' (Fo' Realz) Club." Or "RNGSMR(FR)C" for short. Our letterhead will be quite bulky.