
My husband works as a coffee machine technician. When he gets home he smells AMAZING. Like sweet, chocolatey, caffeinated loveliness. I will literally follow him around, sniffing his hair, like in the Axe ads.

I hate the Business Model version of sex. Like, "I invested in chocolates and diamonds! You are obligated to put out, or you will be in violation of your contract!" Or, "He took out the garbage today, so I think he's earned some sex." That kind of thinking is what props up the idea that women who have a lot of sex are

Tangent: Am I crazy, or is there a real difference between hand drawn and PC/tablet drawn art? I prefer the former. I think. Someone in the know enlighten me.

Maybe there are people out there who find ingrown hair erotic?

I mentioned this to my husband, and he joked (in his most bro voice), "Clit? What the hell is a clit?"

Is it just my crippling cynicism, or are "positive" types the most obnoxiously anti-fun people ever? Bacon and eggs for breakfast? No, you must have a kale smoothy. Go out for a drink? No, alcohol has toxins. Mock the annoying neighbor waving crystals over her Echinacea plants? No, all viewpoints are valid.

Maybe that's why they all seem to be standing/laying in a reasonably comfortable position.

That is hilarious, and I plan on memorizing it as a party piece.

I seem to recall some Victorian pornography admiringly describing a woman with pubic hair that reached her knees. Used to be, pubes were a sexy thing for sex.

I always got the impression that hipsters were generally thought of as being well off. The kind of people who buy $100 pre-shredded jeans, so they can look "authentic."

My longhaired Chihuahua is actually pretty bright, but that dumbass, goggle-eyed expression isn't doing him any favors.

I see what you did there. -_-

I live next door to Cornell. My first year here I lost all my illusions about "merit" and Ivy League colleges.

It's not just ex girlfriends! After more snubs than I care to recount, my husband can't figure out why I'm so standoffish with his family.

I'm not totally apathetic or antagonistic when it comes to sports. (Hell, I watch sumo. Unironically.) But every time I pass by a television playing a football game I want to scream. The vapid talking heads! The five seconds of game diced into twenty minutes of commercials! (Bro commercials about beer and bikinis!)

This doesn't say he WAS an Arab, it just says he could be. Then it says that Shakespeare used "Moor" generally to refer to black Africans. But either way, Othello is a role for a person of color.

As a New Yorker, let me say you are making me very jealous.

I was pretending to be mature, and you caught me. TOTAL HOTTIES.

That... I... Hm. Yes. But the entire point of Othello is that he's black? And he's, like, the one major character in classical theater black actors can reliably be cast as?

This isn't theater per se, but I just want to say that "Heroes" has a massive place in my heart, purely for Hiro and Ando. I mean, Asian characters with thoughts, feelings and love interests? GET OUTTA TOWN.