Imagine, the last time a horse won the Triple Crown, there wasn’t a computer on Earth as powerful as any of those phones.
Imagine, the last time a horse won the Triple Crown, there wasn’t a computer on Earth as powerful as any of those phones.
Many of the recipients of the award have been retired for years. For example, in 2008 Tommie Smith and John Carlos won the award 40 years after their black power salute during the 1968 Olympics. Muhammad Ali won almost 20 years after his last fight. Billie Jean King won almost a decade after she retired from…
I’m a veteran, and thankfully my Facebook feed has been flooded with posts from other veterans bashing the shit out of that meme and supporting Jenner. Exploiting veterans to spread one’s own shitty beliefs is so gross.
Pretty shitty of people to use an amputee veteran as a thin veil for their transphobia
I have no idea, but I have to jump in and say that I respect the hell out of your handle, sir.
Must’ve called him a cocksucker
The guy’s got his mask off and is yelling at the dugout. Harper was in the box, ready to play the game, when this guy decides the game’s going to be all about him and start yelling at the dugout....but I’m sure he gave a shit about the pace of play rules then. Harper’s telling him, yeah, I was in the fucking box…
You don’t know what’s going on here? If you haven’t been paying attention to Marvin Hudson, you’re missing out. Dude is like King of Leon’s sex....he’s on fire right now. Let’s explain.
You know how to exert control over the situation? Ignore dougout chirping. If Williams said something that bad/extensive then give him an official warning or toss him. Don’t stop the game to go barking back and forth with him, which never does anyone any good. And don’t then immediately get pissy at Harper for…
This This This! We need to stop seeing the show as an outsider and expect an advance in the plot with every scene and understand that sometimes we need to convey information to other characters so that the plot can be advanced at a later time without leaving plot holes like “Holy shit how did Sansa Stark know Bolton…
I can pretty much guarantee that scene will be responsible for the building of two characters and the significant advancement of the Winterfell plot. After all, who likes pie?
Yeah, after the fourth or fifth burst of think-piece outrage at this-or-that scene I’ve kind of stopped listening. We’re all still watching and pirating in record numbers.
Yes. Please continue. I am sure the writers need you to tell them how to do their jobs. You are clearly more qualified than professional writers on one of the biggest shows of all time.
This is very Slate-y.
Mouton also tells a similar story of when he sacked Tom Brady, and Brady told him he would, “Knock the wind out of him.”
I recall flirting with a girl back in the late ‘90s/early ‘00s who mentioned she listened to the local rock station. This enticed me because rock chicks can be hard to find in the South. Then she said it was because they were the only station that played Dave Matthews. I frowned, said “Oh,” turned, and walked away.
You forgot to mention the hyper-defensive whining from insecure Boston fans on everyone’s Facebook feed.
I am not sure how this punishment was over the top? PED use is 4 games, so why wouldn’t tampering with equipment be the same thing?
Yeah, this definitely seems like the kind of thing that would go on without Belicheck knowing about it.