
He’s coming for your bases, all of them.

Been paying him to help us lose for years. Why stop just cause we released him?

It would be amusing if they were still paying most of his salary. *shout heard from the back* What’s that? They still are? Well that makes it fucking hilarious.

This is the most Atlanta sports moment ever.

It will be interesting to see if all of the pomp and circumstance of an MLB game is trimmed out when there’s literally *nobody* to entertain.

I don’t think they’re worried about the fans doing something bad so much as they’re worried about being liable if anything happens to the fans while they, for example, are in line at the gates.

Wooooosh...over your head.

Damn! Those guys are huge as FUCK!!!

The Xenon thrusters will also tend to blind oncoming satellites, prompting them to flash their own thrusters in retaliation, which could potentially set off a “Space Rage” War.

These guys are really incredible in concert.

Only four Gold Gloves??? The guy hasn’t made an error in 9 years!

I don’t know how hungry she’s going to be. There was a lot of talk about this big breakfast at the Y.

Blonde? Clueless? Elitist? Somebody wake up the talent acquisition department at Fox News.

Nice to see Cano is on board with the whole trying to shorten the game thing.

So wait, authorities must have already known about this party because it "caused her to lose custody of her five children." Why wasn't she arrested then and there?


Not seen in the photo above, the ball actually left the park. He got winded and decided to stay at first base.

Please don't try to build a stupid strawman argument here. I could say "I work as a fisherman, the occupation with one of the highest occupanional death rates, yet I don't kill any brown people, so why can't cops.." The difference between your job and a cops job is that the cops are to maintain the rule of law. Big

Potentially being killed by inanimate objects is not the same as potentially being killed by another human being. I'm not excusing this horrible Slager guy, I'm just saying, it's not an apples to apples comparison.

Ok well let me ask you this. How many landscapers are frequently put in situations where they are dealing with people who may be violent, may be criminals, may be armed, may have intent to harm, etc.? I very much doubt it, unless they are dealing with shady clients.

Do you think every landscaper walks up to a piece of