
Evidence of remedial measures is inadmissible to show evidence of guilt. Meaning, Tynes can’t say the Bucs cleansing the facility after he and Nicks contracted the disease demonstrates negligence on the part of the Bucs.

He doesn’t have to prove that strain caused it, pursuant to the tort doctrine of res ipsa lockerter.

Only a Deadspin writer would try to say Pareja somehow came out ahead in any way in that scenario.

That looked like a win for the Timbers coach to me. Flipped the tissue, said "Scoreboard bitch", and walked away leaving the Dallas coach looking like a little kid....

so someone’s job was to just sit at a bar basically? I am, if possible, overqualified for that role. where can i sign up??

Nope. None of us have ever reacted to anything irrationally and poorly, and received forgiveness after. We're all just saints here around the internet, so it's okay that all we do is hollar and complain when other people make mistakes.

I'll defend him but that doesn't mean I defend what he did or that he even defends it. We're all human and we all fuck up.

Let me guess... You are here from Gawker?

Then what compelled you to click the link, find a video, and comment

I'm not going to blame anyone other than Clarkson, but if there was a job opening to serve him steak while being brutally assaulted I would be there with bells on.

I think Clarkson is to blame, but at the same time, it is an incredibly stupid move by the BBC. Would you cut Lebron/Kobe/Jordan because they got in a fracas with an assistant coach? Jeremy's job at the BBC was to be a presenter and bring in a large following. He was not being paid to be a nice person.

Sad to say this is most likely the death of Top Gear as well since May and Hammond said they wouldn't do the show without Clarkson.

I didn't know Shakespeare was a millennial. Crazy.

If you are gonna be an ass about grammar, you may want to capitalize the first letter of your sentences.

The pronoun "they" has long been acceptable as a genderless singular pronoun to all but the most pedantic, but good story.

So it should be "it?"

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

I have admittedly only looked at a few stories, but it is kinda weird how no one is talking about this person or if anyone is looking for him, etc. If this were the US, we'd have composite sketches, grainy security footage, and experts blaming rap music an hour after the race.

YES! The other side of the "wear them down" coin is that women feel they need to play "hard-to-get."

"Can't deny that the windmill was tight, though."