
Silver Spoon's OP and ED are definitely my favourite this season. Saki's OP is decent, but the ED pales in comparison to the previous seasons'.

Welcome back Sony.

Yeah, this new Kinja is more terrible than the previous ones. Didn't think it was possible, but they did it all right. It says there's ten comments, but I'm only seeing 3. I just wish they'd improve on the current one than revamping this shit every three 3 months.

Haha, turns out, I didn't. The pictures were too distracting.

I think it takes an even braver person to go in and buy something in this store.

Little hats are the best kind of hats.

They probably already know they're gonna dominate the market there, so they postponed the launch so they can have more units for the rest of the world. That and the software launch line up isn't exactly appealing to Japan a while back (don't know about right now though).

But... but... cute girls... playing mahjong...

It's pretty much because they were fighting the final boss in the whole tournament. Apart from Teru though, every else in Shiraitodai was disappointing.

No love for superpower mahjong anime Saki? Granted, it's a direct sequel so you can't just jump in directly.

They're giving the people what they want, not what Microsoft wants. I say that's not a bad thing. Whether that's a good thing though...

Yui Horie's one of my favorite voice actress out there. She has such a lovable voice <3

Hahahahahaha! Maruko-Chan, when did you change into this bucket hair? Perhaps you had a haircut accident! Do you like this version of Maruko-Chan? I finally watched the new episode! Maruko-Chan's haircut is just way too adorable! Maruko-Chan has always been adorable. Finally saw the episode on youtube. Super adorable,

So friggin' hyped for Saki. Anyone know how many episodes this will be? I've heard rumours that it's 26 episodes but MAL has it at 13. I really hope it's 26. 13 is way too short, even if they only cover up to the semi-finals.

I bet he doesn't even have a Vita.

HorribleSubs worked on this. Lots of fansubs like Commie just use Crunchy's translations with a few edits here and there.