
She eats cats.

You wanted more boobs?

Nope. It should be "What doesn't go with potatoes?"

How about getting the little things right first? Like showing your download progress bar? Every time I try to download something, the progress bar either disappears after a few seconds or doesn't show up at all.

They could have at least sent an email. For a second, I thought my account was hacked.


So I guess it won't be such a disc-erning decision to get One now?

Gotta fix that typo there.

Man, these guys are idiots. They're betting the Vita on a feature that doesn't even work all that well. How about actually making first party games for it? If Sony's not going to make games on their own platform, who the hell will?

I already have a PS+ subscription. It's great, although half of them are PSP and fighting games. That doesn't mean the drought isn't there though. Here's the list of upcoming Vita games for the foreseeable future (the games are great, but there's not a lot):

Did you talk about memory cards as well? At those prices, its like they're telling people not to buy the Vita.

I do. It's a nice device, but the best game I have is P4G... Which is a port. Only 1 or 2 good games come out every few months (in NA at least) and the rest are indies that can mostly already be played on other platforms. Sure, Japan does get more games like God Eater 2, but if we're not gonna see any of them here,

Yeah... I dunno about that. The Vita is suffering from a two year drought and there's no sign of recovery.

I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going. Why does he only have four tentacles though?

Definitely. 1.5 and 2.5 contains everything except that 3DS game. Besides, the game will probably have some summaries about the previous games..

WTF Microsoft. I've taken all the bullshit you've been pulling these past few months, but this is the last straw. I just cancelled my preorder. That'll teach you a lesson.

That's nice, but no TV,TV,SPORTS,SPORTS,TV,COD no buy.

You're one to talk, Giz.

The huge overlapping pages make it look really ugly.