
I always loved that Japan was the center of the world on this map. Subtle.

I think it's fucking stupid to call out on all this "stereotype" shit. Everyone wants other cultures to be explored but god forbid if you pick a part that they're not interested in or they feel has been exploited.

The only ones who have any love for the vita are vita owners themselves.


Correct answer is.....

But was the computer simulation allowed to pay itunes to get extra moves?

>Played Video expecting some Kana Hanazawa

I'm....I'm so sorry *pats on back*

They forgot Mega Man? Did CAPCOM make this?

I'll cut and paste what I wrote in another thread:

Let me go ahead and jump into this argument to put my 2 cents in for everyone who's giving poor Arnhelm heat. Breaking Bad won because?... I certainly don't get the reference outside of it's the current hit TV show that everyone's into at the moment. Animorphs should have won because it makes total and absolute sensere

Best part is it doesn't come with Kinect

Best. Gamertag. Ever.

How can it be a hit when no one has the only console that plays it?

Playing a game from another country you must be open to experience different moral standards, yes not everyone thinks paying for sex is immoral. No, not all women who fight for equality believe that prostitution is wrong, as matter of fact, the possibility of someone financially exploring his/hers own body is an
