
So kinda like this, but worse?

I would totally play a game called "SagaVille Castle City: Social Quest"

I was going to get a PS3, but I'm totally getting this now.

In terms of performance, sure. But user interface, not so much. On a tablet, it works great. The gestures and apps are one of the best when compared to iOS and Android. But on desktop? It's utter trash. The least Microsoft could have done was allow Windows 8 to detect whether your device is a tablet or desktop, or

"The only way this name could possibly make sense is if there was a comma after "Tactics" and the whole thing was a line of dialogue. "

Have you watched Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere yet? I'd like to read your review on it. It's pretty ridiculous, but that's what makes it so good.

Every news channel report the same things. You don't see anyone else complaining. Plus, Kotaku's a blog anyway.

Probably because it's a tablet OS. There, I said it.


What!? 4 inch!? First the form factor and now the screen size? Apple should sue Samsung more!

What are you talking about? I love playing minesweeper on full screen.

iPhone 6. Well, hopefully.

Not sure why the spider has breasts...

Does anyone know of an app on Windows that kind of simulates Android/iOS folders? Something like Fences but with an icon?

I don't think it's started yet. They did say "a little later" on the blog.

The biggest change that Windows 8/Windows Phone 7/8 has brought is the number of fanboys that have surfaced. Seriously, before all this Metro crap, you can still criticize some of the changes Microsoft has brought in each iteration of Windows/Windows Phone and people will agree with you. Now, you will be nothing more

He's saying that the iOS6's map problems can be solved by using other apps... which just means that iOS maps is that bad.

Sugoi monogatari, aniki!

Rockman Over... such an appropriate name.