
Aaaaand it's another glorified Fruit Ninja.

Wow, I went over to Kotaku Australia, and they're layout is so much better.

I think there's only two that are significantly different from each other. This one and Kotaku Japan.

I've seen these, so there's probably more to the AR function.

The game was released less than a year after the Vita was released, unlike Project Diva 2nd, which was released 5 years after the PSP. So if you compare 2nd's 1st week sales, about 200 000, to Project Diva f's 160 000, it's actually pretty good.

I've been using a phone with pentile display for almost two years now, and I've never had a problem with it. Heck, I've never even noticed it until someone pointed out. But that's probably because I don't jam my face into the phone's screen when I use it.

Isn't this basically the same as the iOS interface?

How about actually releasing the game here?

No comment about how the wedding invitation card needs a second analog stick yet? I am disappoint.

I'm pretty sure it's Singapore.

They be sayin'... Damn, you got some big feet

Kind of like the iPhone. Time to sue, Apple! Oh wait, maybe Samsung will win this time around.

Are you new here or are you just trolling?

Now playing

Vocaloid is popular because of it's open nature. Tons of user generated content are uploaded everyday and many of them are pretty unique. It's pretty much like indie games, which are getting pretty popular. Many vocaloid songs are radically different from what you usually hear from mainstream singers/bands. Of

Now playing

One of my favorite vocaloid song. World's End Dancehall is pretty good too.

Man, I 've had the game for a few months and I still can't figure out how to use the edit mode.

I've played Sengoku Rance, and I liked it (see my avatar). This game looks somewhat similar so do you think I'll enjoy this? And how far in is the translation?

They probably grabbed that idea from anime. I mean, how many sengoku era anime do we have already?

I'm kinda disappointed that the first game's main character doesn't make an appearance.