
Walk the plank, ya scurvy dog! ;)

It is specifically because I'm an African American that I would be ashamed to turn my back on doing my part to make sure our laws and the Constitution apply to ALL people EQUALLY. Standing up for the rights of others does not equal an endorsement of who they are or what they believe; it is simply exercising the

EXACTLY what I was thinking!

Personnel isn't the only thing going on in the ebb and flow of a match. Tactics change, formations change, and opportunities open up. With Belgium's substitution of Origi for Lukaku in the 91st minute and the required change in formation and tactics, they were committing to the win. Lukaku is great offensively, but

That's what droids are for. Large and small, they would be needed to optimize recycling.

Lovely sentiment, Arturo! Right up there with rape jokes and n*gger jokes! Always funniest among those with no cultural stake in an issue!


It pulls no punches with either violence or nudity, with men and women on both the giving and receiving end of all of it. It's brutal, even nightmarish, and I LOVE it, even after having read the books.

Maybe at first.... ;)

Yeah...and adults are SO superior in their every thought, word and deed.

Vlad Taltos, of course.

Your cat was a hero and a gunslinger, son. All she did was walk off into the sunset so you wouldn't have to remember her as a cat whose dog-shredding day were long gone. surprise here:

I'm on the fence about this. She should have a "stronger pose"? I get what you're saying, but I'm reticent to demand that women look, dress and act like men in order to be taken seriously.

By the way, that look on her face? On a man, it would be seen as a "zen-like calm used to harness the violence within", a view

No points for trying to clarify your original meaning after the response with snark. You said "hero", not "movie" in your original post.

And what did you say about Blade? An African American comic book hero was the first Marvel hero to have a movie trilogy (Blade: Trinity came our three years before Spiderman III). I

So...Blade doesn't count? Did you miss Storm in the X-Men movies, or the Falcon in the most recent Captain America movie? You DID know about Bishop (a personal favorite of mine) in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past movie, correct?

I grew up bothered by the fact that there were almost no heroes who looked like me

"The Face of Bo"

Once you learn what that means, and understand the connection it has to Capt. Jack Harkness, you will have achieved Barrowman nirvana ;)

I spent a summer living in Waterbury back in the late 80s. Good God, does that state SUCK. My condolences for your continued residency there. :(


That gave me the shivers...

Note the distinct lack of sparkle....