
That man is president.

That man would be my hero.

Pick better villains, since that’s the only reason you could possibly think that’s heroic.

“great! Another broken white boy to fix”

“Don’t scare me like that, colonizah!”

Somebody better tell him cloaking devices vere banned by the Treaty of Algeron.

You’re taking a lot of liberties in assessing what did and did not happen in this situation. I wonder if she actually did say this and not the perhaps bullshit that you assume she probably said. In my experience, teachers will often treat young students as if they are completely clueless to anything that their lesson

That is still what is being taught in my nieces’ schools. I also see textbooks posted regularly with the same ish.

It is perfectly dismissive without being overly aggressive. He’s like “I said it, I meant it, and I will not apologize. Next.”

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Strikeforce Morituri was an excellent series... where no one was safe, a la Game of Thrones or Walking Dead.

SM was fantastic - another example of 80s comics being pretty much what the Outrage Brigade shrieks for today: a diverse, interesting cast with an interesting premise exploring issues like sacrifice, faith, oppression, resistance, the media and ethics.

Secret Weapons: directionless millenials

Or just find a sport that isn’t 12 minutes of play surrounded by 2 hours of commercials.

Can I just point out that none of the states closest to North Korea (except Alaska, but nobody’s going to bomb Alaska) voted for Trump? Why can’t he pick a fight with an enemy off the Eastern seaboard so that at least he’s in the kill zone

Cultural appropriation is when a culture in power appropriates another culture that is not in power. Like when a white clothes designers steals Native American religious clothing designs and sells them as their own.

It’s not if those Americans are descended from some of those same African cultures.

This is not an example of a race which is not oppressed taking the cultural trappings of an oppressed or ignored group and erasing their actual culture or narrative. So I’m not really sure what it is that you’re calling appropriative. This is the creation of an image of a fictional African nation making homage to the

Utter and complete revisionist bullshit. They threatened a boycott unless they lifted the suspensions. Period. They also indirectly demanded the AD be fired.

And my hatred for Mitch Leidner grows. What an arrogant prick. Outgoing senior has a lot of big tough things to say after heading the worst boycott to ever take place. YOU got him fired, Mitch. I hope everyone does transfer. Anyone involved in the boycott shouldn’t be welcomed back. We’ve always been a shitty team,