
I STILL own every issue of that series. I would love to see it revived as a gritty TV show. It’s a shame so few people remember it.

Except you are ignoring the power dynamic. Those examples you gave? In no way would an American playing a Brit redefine what a Brit is, nor could a Mexican playing a Spaniard be one in a long line of examples in which the stories and culture actual Spaniards was erased in favor of what others want to believe it to be.


You really should have split up runners. The casual “couple of miles, couple of times a week” crowd is a VERY different animal from the half- and regular marathon road runners, who are almost a completely different species* from ultramarathon runners.

*See: Badwater Ultramarathon (100 miles through Death Valley;

All in good time. You want investigations like this airtight; you want to make sure your “i”s are dotted and your “t”s are crossed. You don’t want weasel like this wriggling his way out of the punishment he so richly deserves.

Agreed. 100 years ago, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was exactly thisfor the Enlightenment generation, enamoured with the idea of technological progress but blind to its negative effects on humanity. Shelley’s take on the potential for destabilization, echoed later in Ghost in the Shell, related to the human condition

Who can resist that face? ;)

THANK YOU!!! Reading these books as a kid, it was quite a long time before I ever saw another personification that could equal it. :D

Every time I see that photo, I start looking to add to my collection of riding pants. No monkey butt for me, thank you very much. ;)

I saw this image for the first time over a year ago. I never thought about the rain thing until you brought it up. It took me a minute, but I figured out why this didn’t bother me.

What makes you think his “umbrella “ and “raincoat” are there just to protect him from the rain? I would image that in 2202, aerial

Even before I rode, I was all about the gear. I didn’t even take my classes before buying and familiarizing myself with the following:

Full-face helmet (because windscreens do not stop every bug and rock, and they won’t help you against asphalt); armored and vented leather riding jacket (colder weather) armored textile

I think you missed the part where he was working undercover. In his grief, he was done with the Deatheaters, along with his jealousy and vendetta against those who he felt had wronged him, once Lily had been killed. Going back to work as an agent of Dumbledore, but HAD to be a dickbag in order to sell his loyalty to

It always seem to me as if he brought it from the set of “The Terminator” ;)

Shit. A shiver went through my body when I scrolled down and saw that.

...and the other shoe drops. Too often, when presented with obviously racist or misogynistic behavior, people are very quick to defend it. You say “Maybe including this was his way of showing that?” as if there was any context for believing that to be the case. He did not qualify his view in any way and, in fact,

“And the South shall be butthurt AGAIN!”

“Who’s tougher: a rugby player or an Ameican football player?”

Whelp, I guess that answers THAT question... O_o

Of course, New Horizon doesn’t have to carry enough armor to be RPG, IED, or bulletproof, nor does it have to carry people.

Apples and oranges, son.

You’re spot on with “World War Z”. It will be a loooong time before the bleakness, horror and sacrifice at the core of that story makes it onto film, if it ever does. I just don’t see any studio having the cajones to do it. The Battle of Yonkers. ‘Nuff said. :/

As for my pet “unfilmable” book, I’ll go with Hyperion by

I feel the same about the KTMs....but you’re not looking at the front of the bike while you’re riding it so why does it matter? If you’re there to ride the rough stuff rather than to pose and look pretty at the local coffee house, paint color and front-end lines should be taking a serious back seat to performance and

Quite possibly a significant factor in why I eventually decided to buy a motorcycle. 12-year-old me friggin’’ LOVED those flying motorcycles. :D