
*rolls eyes*

Okay, since no one else seem to be able to say it...

Holy crap, dude can BALL. 6' 2"? 6' 2"?! And doing that in-game? Who gave this guy a cheat code?

I learned quite a lot about World War II in high school; I took four years of German, visited Germany and, as a member of a family with quite a few relatives who have served, I watched documentaries and read up on almost everything I could find related to the war.

But it wasn't until I read Maus as part of a college

"Friend zoning, is, in broader terms, something bad that a guy who is not getting laid decides that the woman won't fuck him is doing."

That is SO much BS, a conclusion jumped to based on a complete inability to recognize that the males of the species are capable of desiring a relationship beyond the sexual. And do I

"Look! The fire wurm."

- Buliwyf

I have the same issue as the author of this thread: I prefer complex, more adult-oriented (no, NOT sex-based) themes in anime. I like it mostly serious, gritty, and reaching for answers to universal themes and questions in unique ways. This is why Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop remain the standards I measure all

People who really don't give a shit about soccer wouldn't read or post about it. Amiright?

I've heard quite a lot about how strange it is to see Switzerland ranked so high by FIFA. Personally, it really doesn't surprise me. In my opinion, people are constantly sleeping on the quality of Swiss football. Remember the previous World Cup when they beat eventual champions Spain in the qualifying round? Or the

Good question. I know that one of the few crew members among the survivors of the Titanic to be rescued was a cook (famous for apparently surviving because of his high blood alcohol level).

Why, thank you! At least SOMEBODY thinks so!


You're ignoring the speed aspect. Again.

Someone piloting something as small and slow as a NASA probe would have plenty of time to make the necessary calculations and course corrections it would take to avoid a collision. The Millennium Falcon, during the scene in which it is navigating an asteroid field, is portrayed

Don't forget speed. One little probe putzing ina straight line through the astroid belt is not exactly the same as a ship the size of a strip mall flying at the best possible sub-light speed, evading enemy fire while dodging zig-zaging rocks ranging in size from mountains to fists.

So, yeah; "mad skillz" MIGHT cover

You say that as though those gaps are constants that never change size or shape. Why would those gaps change size and shape, you might ask? Because every rock in an asteroid field is constantly moving and shifting, in a variety of different directions, at varying speeds. Threading a ship through something like that

Wow; you ARE quite the angry geek, aren't you?

Death is death, son, regardless of time, place, political affiliation or philosophy. I was not passing judgement on the morality of using the atomic bomb (a decision which I support, btw) versus Operation Downfall, the planned Allied invasion of Japan, and I sure as hell

Person of Interest, without a doubt. After that, it's a matter of preference. Personally, I'd go with Arrow because it's been very interesting to watch the motivation of the character change and grow. Plus, it's one of the best translations of a comic book world from comic to screen that I've ever seen. The story is

There is one important bit of information you neglected to include. The ship was not missed at port, nor was it's position and general route known. This was to keep secret any and all information related to the cargo it delivered prior to the sinking: the final components of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.


The "Schlitterbahn"? Is that German for the "Hershey Highway"? A 140-foot drop on THAT thing would most certainly make ME lose control of my bowels...

Look up the PMRC Senate hearings; that will help give you some additional perspective on the moral panic Ronald Reagan helped usher into the post-Iranian hostage, post-recession climate of the early 1980s.

People in the 1980s were looking to get rid of feeling like losers, and they were looking for something -

Oh, that myth again. The Greek runner who ran the distance was named Pheidippides. Look him up. He not only lived, he was also not the only one to return to Athens from Marathon that day; just the first. There is also an account from the primary source of the Greco-Persian wars of this same person running from Athens

EASILY the scariest episode of anything I've ever seen on the small screen. It's still saved on my TiVo from the first time it aired years ago.

For my money, THIS episode deserved the top spot. As much as I loved "Hush" (The X-Files "Home" episode really isn't all that), "Blink" wins hands down. Making you afraid that


Oh, man. I had completely forgotten about that...