
seriously, fuck that clown.

Ah, the myth of the modern African American athlete. You see, there is the perception of professional athletes, and then there is the reality so many people refuse to see.

I assume you are referring to the link between aseptic necrosis, Bo's medical complaication, and a similar complication experienced by patients with similar hip injuries who are prescribed gluco-cortico-steroids.

Not all steroids are the exact same thing, and from what I understand, anabolic steroids do not have the

...assuming Adrian Peterson is nothing more than a walking stereotype.

From where I sit here in Minneapolis, where we are a bit more detail than many of you seem interested in reading about, Peterson just learned this kid was his a few months ago. He never really had a chance to be any kind of father to this kid

Take the time to actually read about the circumstances surrounding this incident. You will most likely find your agreement with that moron faltering...assuming you prefer facts to prejudice and bias.

'Ignorant', maybe, but I'm not so sure I'd go so far as to say 'racist'. I live in Minneapolis, and from what is being reported here, Peterson apparently JUST found out that the kid was actually his. It seems that this woman moved to another state, then apparently showed up telling the guy that he has a kid. The

In a word? Klingons.

No other alien species in popular entertainment has captured the popular imagination quite like the Klingons of the Star Trek mythos. It is long past time their history, culture and future was explored in detail.

What about Type II Douchbaggery?

Im not saying they shouldnt respect the past, Im asking when is it time to look forward and be mates regardless of ethnicity

I'm going to make a case for Bruce Willis.

We've already seen a Dothraki-style group pitted against Westerosi-style groups.

The verdict?

There's a reason 0.5% of this planet's male population (16 million people) can trace their genetic material back to Ghengis Kahn, and very good reasons Europeans living east of the Sajo River in Hungary still remember the

*stiff arm of the titans*

"Get off me, son!"

Will someone PLEASE explain the three seashells?!

But what does Heisenberg become?

THANK YOU! The article was SO off-base with this assertion. Their take on the Predators was like an assessment of the US military's weapons, tactics and fighting capability based on a summary of the skills exhibited by rich douchebags on a big game safari in Africa.

Nope; "Knowing" with Nicolas "LOOK AT MEEEEE!" Cage ripped off too much of the premise for this to ever be made.

Until they start making them with skin, and these things come with sweat and bad breath, I'm not going to worry too much.

This "buckling" is a "hint", huh? You're adorable.

- The 35-W Bridge in Minneapolis, MN

Yeah, THAT'S not keeping the snow out. Forget trying to sell these in the Northern US...unless someone is looking for a super fancy outhouse.

The 'Future of Affordable Student Housing'? Oh, yeah...if you happen to be a midget living in the Tropics. Living in Minnesota, where the temperature is in the 100s a least a couple weeks every summer but gets below zero for at least a couple of MONTHS every winter, I laugh every time I see one of these jumped-up