
I notice that the sewer grate isn't very far away....

Reading this article, I may have finally understood the true horror of clowns: they are the personification of every lie and betrayal a child experiences in their young lives. Clowns symbolize the dawning realization that not everything is what it seems.

What could be scarier?

Because only a romantic relationship is capable of breaking a woman's heart?

The ignorance and adolescent simplicity you are ascribing to Mr. Landis could just as easily be a projection of your own thought process. That thing right there, the one you just jumped onto? That would be what is popularly known as a

This just might be the title that gets my daughter interested in gaming. Aveline actually looks quite a bit like her.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist."


Still the best portrayal of Satan I have EVER seen, across all genres. The man was electric in this.

War of the Worlds stands out for me because of what I consider one of the great character reactions to the devastation.

Remember when Tom Cruise makes it back to his apartment? His son asks him what that stuff is all over him. Cruise looks down, notices that he's covered in the ashed remains of several people who were

Oh, dude.....

Well said. My mom was actually watching the original Star Trek on network television when her water broke. I was destined to be Black and Nerdy ;)

No, it isn't Sci-fi. No, I have no intention of ever watching this movie. I watch a LOT of movies. Nothing I've ever seen or heard about this one gives me even the slightest impulse to waste my time with it.

"Today's audiences in most tent pole movies are ADHD and grow bored easily with easy access to technology etc to distract them."

(I would have added more of the "kids these days" comments, but you get the idea).

You know how to tell when you've become old? When you put on the rose-tinted glasses and start talking about

Iconic? Yes; many of these are that. Quotable? Very few, and none so much as this one from the website:

The brown and tan costume didn't appear until 1980, folks.

Because....low-flying aircraft?

How do you judge big-budget, summer sci-fi? I just pull out my handy-dandy Prometheus-o-meter (TM) and have a look-see....

Hmm...hmm...huh-huh...yep; in comparison to the jumbled suckfest that was Prometheus, Pacific Rim more than delivered. It was both the movie we wanted and the movie we deserved. ;)

I see quite a few of the scientifically-minded people here poo-pooing the whole idea of a fungal infection of the brain. Some even recommend the less informed of us look up the differences among bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Well, I happen to have heard quite a bit about the effects of actual cerebral infections from

This whole thing reminds me of the issues some people had with the casting of "The Hunger Games". I say that people need to read the books more closely. The darker-skinned inhabitats of the series live across the sea. The Dornishmen were described just as GRRM says: Mediterranean-looking.

I think a lot of people are

Nice, Mr. Alito.

And how should Ginsberg have responded? I think the Onion said it best:


I've been waiting for this to pop up somewhere.