Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

"Rationalize the business" "Strategic Decision" "future multiplatform success" "partner with its player community"

In English:

The business wasn't profitable. They are investors - they want profit. Sony didn't care, New Management does.

They will be shutting down games they deem not profitable, and forcing everything

Capitalist, formerly in Upper Management at a game studio myself [now in another industry].

And you don't even bother to recognize that the narrative you manufacture, support, promote, and disseminate is exactly fucking why they can't bring it here uncensored.

Threatening censorship?

Yup, that's so super liberal and tolerant of you.

Completely disagree.

It is indeed unsustainable, and rather than preventing the crash, since it's progressed so far, you might as well just let it and prepare yourself.

Misunderstanding of basic Economics and ignorance of realities of the material plane lead to tragedies like Brazil now, and Argentina pretty-much-since-Peron.

That remains to be seen - I do hope that he, unlike many here, takes the term Journalist seriously, and not as slang for 'social cause activist who occasionally mentions games'.

I find it ironic that the very site who colluded to manufacture the 'Gamers are dead' rhetoric clickbait machine is now pretending that it never did so and that everything is awesome.

Question - and please do me the favor of answering honestly, rather than deflecting.

"They despise Kotaku, and similar blogs, that support women and minorities being treated better in games."

Because he is artificial humanoid life.

Lecturing people about stereotypes while yourself perpetuating a stereotype.


Not even a readme.txt in the file to help install it, can't find where the game stores effect

The skin mags were indeed The Best Weapon.

Can't count how many times those things lined me up a perfect shot...

MGO was one of the only times in my life, as a mostly JRPG/RPG/CRPG/RTS/Non-FPS Action game player that I actually have enjoyed a shooter.

The announcement of its return is welcome news, assuming they kept the good bits.

Launcher chairs, gradually unlocked weapons, and shared vision, anyone?

Funny how you care about the Right to Due Process
here, but not on college campuses.

Aaaaaaaaand you had to ruin an article that I would otherwise have agreed with [though not with tone or implication] by giving Sarkeesian press and lending her legitimacy.

Yeah, we joke about the Northeast freaking out over snow here too.... Utah native for over 30 years.

Was in DC for 'Snowmageddon' aka 'Mad Max: DC' and laughing my ass off. City of 5 million people can't clean up 4 feet of snow in 2 weeks.... we'd have that taken care of before 6am the day it happened.