Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

I normally decline to comment on Gawker blogs, but felt it appropriate to explain something here -

Your Clickbait Fingers are Ready.

They don’t care if they sell - they don’t get a piece of each, they get licensing fees for development.

Now playing

And yet you don’t realize the problem isn’t Nintendo, it’s Brazil’s insane Socialist economic policies that are the problem.

I didn’t cry for Argentina, I won’t cry when Brazil runs out of toilet paper again, either.

So, High School DxD is just awful?

Sora no Otoshimono wasn’t worth watching?

Should I keep going?

What’s sad isn’t that they are getting the bonuses; what’s sad is that the state of the Western Woman is such that she’d have to be bribed to ever care to take her role seriously and ever be a traditional wife.

A Swordsmith creates swords.

A Swordsman uses swords.

So they wanted to be The Nexus, except give a cut to the modders from all the ads / subs instead of charging them to host content and charging the users.

And all that would be well and good, and I might believe you, if I didn’t literally have years of counter-examples, Stephen.

Or if you and the rest of GameJournoPros weren’t trying to do a hit job on anyone not on-board the Social Justice train you’re obviously shoveling coal into the engine of, quite happily.

Or if you

One drop of water in 8 years does not a jungle make of a desert.

Sorry, but it ain’t enough.

But it took YEARS of complaints before you even admitted you did anything wrong just relating to Dragon’s Crown - in other words, you’re not goddamn sorry at all.

Hamstering for Censorship.

You Stay Classy, Gawker Media.

The Killing Joke established just how psychopathic The Joker is - it's not
supposed to be "fun".

And then he got Navi, and wished he no longer had one.

Untrue. With H1-B Visa programs, it's a complete waste of time to get any degree in Comp. Sci. that isn't at least a Master's.


Now playing

That could be because the Identity Politics peddling, Feminism worshipping, Social Justice Warriors have decided to make gaming their new thoughtcrime weapon.

If you are tired of being 'considered a letch' for playing games with beautiful women in them, and you [like me] pre-ordered Agarest's Collector's Edition, then why do you write an article [and work for a website] that perpetuates that very 'weaboo pervert' stereotype?


OR, you and your comrades can get your Frankfurt School "Critical Theory" bullshit the fuck out of my hobby.

I have this feeling too.
