How much of that is Nintendo’s fault and how much is the corrupt-as-hell Brazilian government’s fault?
How much of that is Nintendo’s fault and how much is the corrupt-as-hell Brazilian government’s fault?
Stephen that post was very long and I dislike you for making me read that thing, but it had to be read for your view and I’m a lot of things but tactless is not one of them. Here’s my rebuttal:
Kotaku’s is simply not capable of an unbiased report involving anyone that uses - or has been assigned by other the title of - GamerGate. You don’t have to go any further than their repeated attempts to attribute ugly and criminal behavior as central to the movement while dismissing the exact same behavior from their…
No? Bullet time was kind of neat (even if it ended up horribly abused), but the “WoW-ification” of MMO’s since it came out is in no way neat. I miss when MMO’s were actually kind of difficult. Questing could be difficult at times, even in groups, and there weren’t markers everywhere taking you by the hand to do every…
Are we talking about the same kotaku?
Yeah, WoW really looks great, even today. All thanks to an amazing art direction ... but ... it’s not even using normal maps! And that’s like the most basic, and best thing you can do after a good albedo map.
Yeah, no. the same anonymity that protects assholes also protects normal people who just want to share their opinions and have a good time. Notice something about the people getting death threats? they're the ones who are not anonymous. And it's not like sans an anonymous environment like Kotaku, the crazy people…
GamerGate. The scape goat that just keeps getting a beating. It must have been such a wonderful gift. Something to pop up as all that is wrong with gaming for the last 6 months.
At a packed, swelteringly hot evening indie game showcase, one press friend makes it especially explicit: "I don't think I want to work in games anymore," he says before a sigh that feels bottomless. "I'm just not feeling it anymore. I'm not sure what I want to do next."
Funnier part being "game developer"
I have to say that after reading this, I feel energized about the future. GamerGate gives me good energy, especially since I see how it's constantly mischaracterized by the left-wing apparatchiks currently in control of the discourse surrounding games. You talk of GamerGate harassment, Nathan, you and all your allies.…
That means rationalize not liquidating it.
but i haven't done you any physical violence- so now your additional laws include theft.
advocating laws is advocating violence, violence is only justified in self defense.
The state monopolized the services it provides with force and violence then demands money after the fact.
I am an anarchist yes.
The only laws that are even remotely justifiable are laws against violence.
if you try to rape me, I believe I am justified using violence to stop you. So a law against rape, is justified in the same way.
If you are smoking pot, I do not believe I am justified in using violence to stop you. so a…
I majored in economics. but thats besides the point because my argument isn't so much about economics here, but rather about political theory. namely laws are enforced with violence, are you comfortable with personally using violence to enforce this law? If not why advocate the law. If so... well...
If tax laws arent enforced with violence, why did the NYPD murder eric garner? racism? is the black police Sargent that was in charge on the scene racist too? I'm not saying it's impossible but is that what you believe?
Or is it that eric garner wasnt paying the state their money so they fucking murdered him?
Also to…
Me an my ilk. I guess if you want to lump all us decent people who try to live in a morally responsible way in a big old group, that's cool.
I meant minimum wage advocates, but hey i love the way you try to present your side as moral and responsible. How is raising the minimum wage moral and not raising it immoral?
Laws ARE enforced with violence. So when eric garner was selling cigarettes on the street without paying the cigarette tax or having a permit, and the cops came to arrest him and he said no... they just left? or did they murder him in cold blood on camera without remorse?
All laws are enforced with violence, if you…