Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

Hulu's value has dipped significantly of late, with locked episodes [I'm looking at you, Psych finale and last 2 months], commercials even on subscriber-only content, and even content that's years old - and now SouthParkStudios.com is run through Hulu, so they even have locked episodes, when they never did before.


Oh yeah, pointing out someone abusing personal relationships and calling out character [while ad hominem it was not slander, it was true] who is a purveyor of double standards - and exposing an undercurrent of PC bullshit SJW propaganda and thought policing that has been present for years, but nobody noticed until now


You cast aside all objectivity and go right back to Propaganda and Diktats.

She 'allows' you shelves?

Not so lucky. I'd reconsider that arrangement
if that's the position you're in already....

They should do that. Though I've already seen plenty about Huo Yuanjia, they do need to make a movie that realistically depicts the massacres at Tienanmen Square that led to the Communist 'People's' Republic he's trying to pander to here....

You mean, after Voyager, and especially after the two utter abortions of summer-movie shit that got tagged with the name.


Ah, so you've cuckolded him and got both your AF and your BB.

Tell me again how that's a good deal for him?

His exact point is that the guy isn't proactive and that assertiveness [once characteristic of men, but now strangely missing] is the solution to his problem.

This is what happens when you feminize society and particularly culture and education - schools and culture in general are a Beta Factory now.

John Wayne is gone, when Eastwood goes, who do we really have left?

Fuck this. Men are definitely objectified - we are walking Career and Success Objects, and objectification of us to satisfy hypergamy is never questioned.

So.... no turn-based combat.

That's so Meta......

They are blogs when it is convenient, they are Journalists when they go on political crusades and are called out for bias - the worst of both, as they are neither.

This reminded me of what Lrrr said in "Anthology of Interest 1" -

Now playing

No, Frozen was just as bad - see 1:32 - 1:53

No, but we're shamed for it and accused of 'unrealistic standards' and 'fat shaming', and accused of 'eye rape' for even daring to look.

But he just did make a point, and was accused of "hate speech" for stating it because the hive-mind disagrees.

Which discards your point entirely about civility, and the letter's obvious attack target's, as well.

An opinion on credibility and personal distaste does not hate speech make, except in the Progressive Ideology.

So, yeah, go on Thought Policeman, keep trolling for dissent. You'll find it, and then you can use it to point your finger at and give reason for your policing, because what you seek, you will find. See also:

So, does this mean that people who make games can make them without being called misogynists just because the Feminist Hivemind doesn't approve of them?

Maybe it means that people like Zoe Quinn will be called out, and the people calling them out also not accused of "hate speech" and misogyny simply for doing so? Maybe