Helba: Per Tenebrae, Lux

That's because that "Equality" that they are selling is the same "Equality" that Napoleon the Pig, and Marxists in general, have been selling for a long, long time:

"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism

You ALWAYS charge them at least a dollar to pee, otherwise, cleaning the bathroom eats up profits.

So there's something wrong with Liefeld?

Someone hasn't gathered the facts surrounding Quinn, Grayson, and one named Patricia....

They are waiting for it to blow over, and posting stuff like this to try to combat the perception and validity of the arguments.

Rostrums make SJW's feel better.

But don't ya know.... simultaneously vomiting victim rhetoric while screaming at anyone who disagrees, and then demonizing people who go along with it and put it in their creative works as a representation of that world being 'wrong' is TOTALLY LOGICALLY CONSISTENT!

And I think everyone needs to come down hard on the scum that threatens people for having a different opinion then them.

Oh, bravo. You've achieved quite a bit of mental gymnastics here -

Perhaps the Virtue of Selfishness?

The writer and designers decided to make ridiculous excuses for all the reasons the orcs started the first war, and make the humans look like bad-guy racists to the SJWs they're now pandering to.....

Oh, and skinner boxes. Lots of those.

"And then the protest turned violent, as some citizens began to break into, loot, and set fire to storefronts in their own community."

And did you happen to cover the many tweets from protesters berating other protesters for targeting "their own community" instead of the evil "other"'s neighborhoods and businesses?


"It's like playing whack-a-mole with a sociopathic Hydra."

Hmm...... so Jezebel has finally peered into the mirror of the Abyss, to see the Abyss staring back at herself, and is not pleased. So, obviously, the answer is to ban mirrors....

Park Bench in the Park in Stormwind, please....

No, these are the alarmists who prioritized a subspecies of trout's supposed survival above a system that already existed and could get shit tons more water to the valleys where they are needed

Arceus fainted that you might be revived at the Pokemon Center.

Yeah, we need to pull a SOPA/PIPA on this shit, Twitch viewers AND streamers need to unite and show them that this will kill their business.

This is how I felt with shooter games with slapped-on RPG progression systems but where combat relied entirely on twitch gameplay and stats were a joke [i.e. it was your skill, not your character's skills, that defined success] and everyone bitched at me.

So you're justifying thought policing because the ends justify the means?

[They don't, your logic is flawed, but policing thought is universally bad anyway.]